The irony from McIntosh

The latest product introduction from McIntosh feels like the epitome of irony. While we HiFi Rose users are unable to utilize McIntosh’s iconic “Blue” VU meters, due to trademark infringement, McIntosh freely stirs up confusion in the HiFi world with the naming structure of their new products—RS150 and RS250. Oh, the irony!


That is quite ironic indeed! Wonder where they got the idea for those names.

I guess the names are not unique and who knows, might not be trademarked or trademark able (if such a word exists).

Either way, I’ll continue to play my RS130 through the Mc DA2 DAC in my pre-amp. To my ears, it sounds best via USB.

I have my RS130 connected with XLR to the DAC. Used to have a Mc DA1 but traded my C49 for a Mark Leinvson Class A dual mono preamp. Is it significantly better? I may have to upgrade my cable.