Tidal (streaming quality)

If you own an ultra-high-quality stereo system, test yourself. Ask someone to play High-Res tracks and the same ones in CD quality alternately while you are blindfolded. I assure you, you’ll be surprised and disappointed in your uniqueness and confidence. However, MP3 can be distinguished from CD quality, especially with a very expensive system, including high-performance speakers.

Hint: The sound from a CD will have richer bass compared to MP3. In the upper and mid-frequency ranges, you are unlikely to notice any difference.

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Good evening, @VIK

That may all be true. But I am a normal earner and for me that is a different galaxies.

That’s why I’m going by my system.

Of course it’s not an (Aldi system). I just don’t reach for the stars without first thinking about the consequences!

Have a relaxing evening

Thomas :v:t2:

MQA is a lossy compression. It is, basically mp3 on HiRes. So, this marketing department managed to fool some people before everybody switched to lossless FLAC. Now, MQA is useless and presumably dead. There is no use of it.

Of course, there was a difference, MQA coding involved some dynamic compression too. Coder was also careless about digital zero overshoots, producing harsh digital distorsion in some songs. So, format was much worse sounding than ordinary original 44/16. MQA is a exaple story about how easy is to sell a story in audio industry. And you do not need a “proper system” to hear how MQA ruined the original audio.


Of course. The point is that a fantastic-sounding system does not have to cost some ridiculous amount of money.

People want to make money. Ideally, without doing much work. Nothing new here.

…then proceeds to throw a whole pile of complete bull…

HD Tracks, and Mr. Chesky, are no more reputable than Uncle Paul. HD Tracks is, actually, the mentioned service that will charge you more to sell you a track (completely unprovenanced, of course) that they have upsampled from a regular CD.

Some MQA recordings (e.g. ones from 2L) are quite good. But, for obvious to anyone educated, reasons not because of MQA but because of good mastering.

If you can hear that difference, you really should visit a shrink, you might also be hearing The Voice Of God telling you things.

You need decent speakers, sure, but nothing exotic. Especially with very expensive speakers more likely to be highly inaccurate.

Funny, what with the MP3 compression decimating high frequencies, but leaving low ones basically untouched…

Hi @BorisM

That’s exactly what I meant!!!

It may have come across wrong because of the translator.

So, if the difference between HD audio and CD quality was so significant, I would have to listen to it on the “worst speakers” and wouldn’t need pointlessly expensive systems.

For example:
Gramophone (1887) vs. modern record player with good pickup (significant difference).

Then I always ask myself:
Is this perhaps just another marketing department with a brainwashing track attached?

Your arguments are awesome again! :clap:t2: :+1:t2:

As typed:
Unfortunately, such people don’t wake up and deceive themselves because they convince themselves of something that the brainwashing department has instilled in them.

Everyone should do what they want in their bubble or matrix. I’m glad I don’t live in such a matrix.


Pretty much. Edison’s wax cylinders didn’t cover the range of the human hearing (and had lots of noise). A well-done CD quality recording contains everything a human can hear. One can certtainly derive some extra satisfaction from having the recording in the original format (just as one could derive satisfaction from having e.g. beautiful speakers) but it has nothing to do with the objective sound quality.

Well, normal people listen to music for pleasure (discounting audiophiles who just use music to listen to their equipment). If one gets more pleasure from getting the same result on a more expensive equipment, why not…

Yes, Boris!

I already said in a previous post that everyone should do what they like. Whether someone spends 100K on music or not, everyone should and can decide for themselves. And if people think they have to burn in a fiber optic cable so that they can hear the angels singing (I might hear them on my deathbed), then that’s still the case. I can only repeat myself: everyone in their own matrix can do what they want. But many people have already fallen for something like that, because it can become an addiction to always chasing the supposedly “best”. Not to mention debt and family tensions.

Have a nice weekend in Texas…

and greetings from the “Colorful Republic of Germany” where madness reigns.


IMHO, the problem appears when people start pushing their subjective impressions, mostly colored by what they had for lunch, as the final, objective truth…

Did Germany really go that mad? Last time I visited Hamburg was… 2017 I think, and it looked fine.

Hi Boris,

yes, it has gone crazy, in all areas. The Greens have been helped to power and have shut down coal-fired power stations and nuclear power stations, so that we have to buy expensive electricity from abroad. We turned off gas from the Russians at the time. We supposedly don’t want to support warmongers. The gender madness can no longer be stopped here and the immigration of so-called (skilled workers) is constantly increasing. Companies are emigrating or going bankrupt (see VW).

What do I get out of it:

Higher electricity prices (overall, the cost of living has increased).

More violence on the streets (knife attacks, rapes…)

Especially in the strongholds like Hamburg, Berlin, the Ruhr area or in all the larger cities.

The majority of (skilled workers) are only here to siphon off social security, which I pay for with my taxes.

I live in the country, and the (skilled workers) don’t really want to go there.

But we Germans are being mixed up and are now just guests in our own country.

It’s all an agenda that for me started in 2015 with Angela Merkel.

Who knows how long it’s been going on, but since 2015 I’ve been dealing intensively with the topic.

I compared and still compare state television with alternative media and you get your own impression…

I don’t want to annoy you on Sunday with something like that, but one thing is certain, if I had money I would emigrate.

Have a nice Sunday


That’s unfortunate… but not too surprising if you elect greens… We’ll see how that orks out though, looks like the tide might be turning.

Well I can agree that shut down nuclear was counter productive, but regarding immigration - who will pay your pension when you retire? Like us Croatians, Germans are becoming very old nation and support from younger generation will be not enough for pensions to remain on present level. There is also a genius thing hat germany did with immigration - you sell them your telecom contract, German bak account, your insurance, your flats, your cars, etc. Here in Croatia we have a big surge in immigration (which I consider good thing), but they stil buy a German telecom service, German or Austrian bank account, German car, etc :slight_smile: So, like always Germany is in very good situation. Ok, problem is that economy was relying on cheap russian gas, but this had to break sooner or later… IMHO, nuclear is a way to go to make up for missing russian gas.

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For me, the gas issue is clearly the Americans’ fault!
(Boris: please excuse me)!!!

As we are still an occupied country by America after World War II (see the enemy states clause) and are still not sovereign, the Americans still have the say here.

Whether it’s old Biden or D.J. Trump, they are people (I would be the same) who put American first, i.e. stand for their country! That’s why Nordstream 2 was blown up, so that we no longer receive gas from Russia and we have to take the dirty fracking gas from America.


The Greens don’t ask how much heavy oil a steamer like that burns when it travels overseas…and how nature is being destroyed on our beautiful island of Rügen because a port is being built where the ships dock. This is all intentional and we as an occupied country have to obey. This has been going on for over 70 years now.

I was sovereign for a very short time when the Russians left…then reunification came and I ended up in the American occupied zone of West Germany.

If I were an American, I wouldn’t give up strategic bases like Rammstein and other bases either.

So, actually everything here is about Rose equipment and music and we want to stick with that.


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No problem. It often is…

Not sure if this is the complaint I’d pick. You get the same gas, and the dirt and environment pollution stays with us…

And it is a lot (I once worked with ship routing). But then greens aren’t known for thinking in the first place.

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Hello @BorisM,

You’re right…there are always different opinions and that’s a good thing! But when you’re affected yourself (when the people are always being milked), you see it from a completely different perspective.

Then there’s the fact that we’re different nationalities and everyone sees it a little differently.

But let’s stick with music and roses. I don’t want to get too “close” to anyone here with the politicization.

To distract you a little:

I scraped together some money (which is no longer worth anything. Inflation in Germany is high) and ordered floor-standing speakers to test.

As I only have a small room and have little space to the wall to the left and right of the extension row, I’m going to test a well-known US product over the next few days, namely the Klipsch RP 8000 F II.

I initially wanted to use the Klipsch RF-7 III in conjunction with my SVS PB2000Pro subwoofer.

My wife has been totally crazy…and she’s right. Reason has to prevail, as I don’t have enough space to the wall (because of the long extension wall)

I’ve never heard Klipsch and the big ones like JUBILEE 75TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION or the smaller CORNWALL IV are all too wide and cost a different amount of money. Since I have 4 bookshelf speakers in quadrophony, the Klipsch RP 8000 F II would fit well next to my extension row. Then I’ll have to see if I keep my rear bookshelf speakers. Because I’ve put together and aligned (I think) a great 2 duos. When I listen to music, sometimes there are effects at the back or at the front and back. It’s almost like surround sound. I think it’s totally great.

Please tell me your opinion and speak frankly (even if it’s bad for me)


Ha, I have the SVS SB2000 for my RS-520…

Very hard to offer opinion on speakers (well, other than that anything by certain high-end manufacturers, like Zu or Borressen is complete crap :slight_smile: ).

A lot of people like Klipsches, they have great dynamics, certainly will go loud even from a not very powerful amp, and I guess are quite good for movies (which is what this particular model is targeted for anyway).

Personally, I did not particularly care for any Klipsch I have heard. To me they sound more like something you would get if you had a very serious bat problem in your house, and needed something that would scare every bat in the entire Land.

If you are getting a good deal on them, and can return if they do not work out, worth trying I guess. I don’t know what the prices in Germany arfe, but here I could get, for about the same price as the RP8000, something from JBL, or Wharfedale, or a very German ELAC which I think I would like better. If you like very strong treble, they should be good though.

Hey Boris…we don’t have the same opinion about fuses and supposedly hearing angels sing through expensive cables…no, we have “almost” the same subwoofer. You have a closed or as you call it a sealed sub. Since I have always been a fan of bass reflex to the front (even my small monitors have bass reflex to the front), I went for the PB2000Pro. Whenever I saw the videos from your Lanz people on YouTube, how they supposedly say that the Port SVS steams like a locomotive (audible air flow from the bass reflex openings), I always just laugh. They put so much strain on the sub, so loud, no one would ever watch a film or listen to music. I like “warm” bass, yes, it should also be crisp. But yours is supposed to have precise bass. It was rated well in Germany too (by an electronics engineer I know) who measured it and he is not a joke figure from YT who just wants to sell.

The Klipsch RP 8000 F II is supposed to sound pretty good according to the Germans. Let’s see how the horn fares against my half-wave tweeters, since both have the same frequency spectrum… according to paper

But the Klipsch is not supposed to be so bass-heavy, with its two 8" drivers, whatever, my 2000 makes up for it. Just too many bass chassis… two more are coming now. But I’d rather have more power and not have to put so much strain on the system. I only listen at room volume anyway.

If my wife hadn’t complained to me before, I wanted to get the Ultra Evolution Pinnacle months ago, it would have fit in my corners too, but she threatened me with the rolling pin :slight_smile: … well, family weighs more and I gave in.

Greetings to Texas :v:t2:

The price was a Christmas offer and is €599 per piece and shipping is free. The dealers here in Germany have them. You have already brought them over.

Yes, as I said, if they are not my thing, they will go back and I will try others in the price range you mentioned or from B&W or our Conton or I will leave it and keep my setup with my 4 speakers in the corners of the room.

Have a relaxing evening :v:t2:

Yeah, PB, being a competently designed sub, sounds quite fine as long as you run it within reasonable limits. Sealed subs are a bit easier to integrate though, and smaller, so I went with sealed. Even better option, unless you require a faithful reproduction of lowest organ notes, could be a pair of 3000 Micros though…

RP 8000 does not seem to be bad, and unless you go for something much larger (and much more expensive) you need a sub anyway.

Wow, you are getting gouged over there, these are $499/ea direct from Klipsch here.

B&W seems to be going for overly bright sound lately, too. Can’t remember when I saw a Canton being sold here last, but ELAC seems to be rather well-esteemed. I am sure there are more German makes as well…

Actually, where in Germany are you?

Boris, I’m not 18 anymore and I listen at room volume as you typed. If I turn it up a bit, it’s over after half an hour at the most and I turn it back up to a comfortable volume.

Yes, as I posted above, we can only pay because this country is shutting down.

But to be fair, I have to say that the shipping is passed on to the customer by you. Otherwise it would be €700 - €800.

I could have bought directly from the USA but shipping is even more expensive there.

I also read that here in a B&W forum…the older models were different.

There are also horns from Bavaria, which I can never afford, but I would like to hear them.

https://avantgarde-acoustic.de/ihr-avantgarde-lautsprecher/?utm_source={}&utm_medium=paid_cpc&campaign_id={21722891167}&utm_campaign=1020-Generic-Avantgarde-DACH-GSA&utm_content=search&utm_term={ nice%20loudspeakers%7D&utm_matchtype=%7Bp%7D&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAqwUt2yGaiiwePeOQ9cNniA7XyR58&gclid=Cj0KCQiAx9q6BhCDARIsACwUxu64IF1L3U3epHCJQ4D8xda1n9PX517cuSw_0hqrvS0i–z_qG0Emu8aApfEEALw_wcB

Yes, the commercial or “high end” brands are Elac, Canton, Teufel, T+A (expensive but good…I had the T+A Criterion Transmissionline back then…absolutely dry bass) they cost 7000 DM back then. see picture :arrow_down:


But Nubert is also worth a look. I always compare with SVS

:eyes: :arrow_up: :eyes: :arrow_up: