I’m using RS130. I found an interesting error from my machine. The clock is always not correct!!! even the time zone is correct. 1-hour error is displayed. If the time should be 8:30, my machine only show 9:30. I cannot set it manually.
I had the same with my RS250a. It was solved when I put “Daylight saving time” to on.
Maybe this helps for you too.
Here are a few things to check:
Where do you live?
RS130–>Settings–>Date and Time–>Time zone settings
Is the GMT time set to the same as the country you live in? -
RS130–>Settings–>Date and Time–>Daylight saving time–>On
If you change the Daylight saving time setting to ON as above, will your RS130’s time be off by 1 hour?
I recently tried factory reset. Everything became normal again😆