Total loss of content

On the Rosa App my content, playlists and history have all disappeared. Its as though I have been signed out of my account. In “Settings” “My Page” there is no information. The “LOGOUT” button does nothing so I am unable to reboot the App and sign back in. I updated the App to 5.7.13 and the device system to 5.7.05

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Уважаемая команда Rose!
Только что обновил приложение на iPhone и Macbook - Rose Home не работает.
Никакой информации, весь «плейлист» пуст…
Пожалуйста, проверьте еще раз.
Что происходит???
Where is my whole story for six months!!!
С наилучшими пожеланиями,

@ROSEHAN is there a ROSE server issue as seems all our ROSE history, playlist and user details are missing?

(Am running RS150B)

These breakdowns become boring and every day a novelty!!! Unbearable

same same this happened to me today

It works

You have to go to the application settings

At the top click on my page

Then click on edit (profile)

You have to save and everything goes back to the history

appears to have been fixed

Thank you,
that also fixed the Problem with my RS150b.

Dear Hi-Fi Rose users

There was an issue with the Rose servers until a few hours ago.
The issue has now been resolved.