Unable to log into Qobuz

I am so frustrated with my 150. After so many problems, I have given up trying to use it as a music server. It just needs more development, and my dealer told me that none of his other customers are using it as a music server anyway. I’ll just use my reliable Oppo 203 until Rose finishes developing the 150.

Next I had to deal with the 150’s Bluetooth remote suddenly not working for no reason (my dealer’s had the exact same problem). I am still waiting for Rose to tell me what to do, but my dealer told me all his other customers just use their phones to control the 150 (maybe because of the same problem?)…

I mist be a masochist & crave pain, because I just opened a Qobuz account After receiving an email confirming my account, I downloaded the app to my phone then went to my reliable 150 and tried logging in to Qobuz with the user name & password I had just created. The 150 immediately gave a “Login Failed” message. So after trying again and getting the same message, I check Qobuz to verify my new user name & password,which agreed with whay I input in the 150. Not knowing what else to do, I changed my Qobuz password then entered my user name & the new one but the still said “Login Failed.” The 150 is connected via Cat 5 to my router.

I am having a the worst experience of my life with this 150. Nothing I try works! Can you tell me how to get Qobuz to work?? If not, let me know Rose’s return policy is for a 150 that’s never been used. I am exhausted trying to get something (ANYTHING) to work.

Hello @Pesto_Sauce

I apologize for the inconvenience caused during use.

  1. Did the Bluetooth remote control work well at first?

  2. Can the Rose device search for other Bluetooth devices other than the Bluetooth remote control?

  3. Is the dongle connected behind RS150B? If the connection is still not working, I recommend a different dongle. Please contact the distributor in your country to see if there is a spare dongle.
    If not, please search for NEXT-1265WBTA from NEXTU and purchase it.

  4. Where did you log in to your Qobuz account, RS150 or the RoseConnectPremium app?

  5. If you go to the Qobuz website and log in instead of from Rose, are you able to log in normally?

If you answer my question, I think it will be easier to solve the problem.

Thank you

I don’t know if this will help but… I set up the 150b about 12 feet away directly in front of my sitting position on a media console. The remote worked. I moved the 150b to a stereo stand beside the sofa and lower than my sitting position. The remote was no longer working. The stereo stand has open front and sides with some part of the back partly enclosed. The remote will work if I reach over and point it directly down at the dongle area (about a foot away). It is either very directional or something is blocking the signal. Will it work if you point the remote at the dongle with no obstructions between the remote and back of the 150b?

After all the emails we have exchanged on this problem and all the info I already posted I am really surprised you asked again. But to repeat.

  1. Yes, the BT remote worked fine until a few weeks ago when it suddenly stopped working without my changing anything related to it. i did not enter or change anything on the 150’s BT settings screen, nor did I not touch the BT dongle, I did not drop the remote, change its batteries (which are still fine), etc. I also do not know if the remote stopped working or the 150 stopped responding to the remote.

  2. No, I cannot search for any other BT devices.

Let me ask you again the same question I have asked you repeatedly - how do I make the 150 search for BT devices? My dealer & I guessed we touch the icon in the BT settings screen that looks like a combination of a BT symbol & a magnifying lens. Is that correct? please answer If it is correct, nothing happens when we do that on my or his 150.

  1. Yes, the BT dongle is connected. I would contact he US distributor, Mobile Fidelity, except they do not respond. So once again, I will drive 2 hours to his store tomorrow.

  2. RE Qobuz - like I said in my post, after signing up for Qobuz and downloading the ap to my phone, I touched the 150s Qobuz icon and was asked to entered my Qobuz user name and password. I did, then pressed confirm, and the 150 said “Password Failed”, then asked me to enter my user name & password again. I know I entered the correct user name & password, so I am lost as to what the problem is tis time.

  3. I am able to access Qobuz from my phone, but when I try from my laptop, I get an pop up asking me to enter my facebook ID. However, as I am an adult male, I do not use FB. The popup then then asks me to enter my email address & password, not my Qobuz name & password.

Apparently Qobuz has no customer support, so there does not seem to be any one I can call for help with this stupid problem. Suggestions?


Please check your message

I emailed you my Qobuz usernane, password & my email address.

I also received your email telling me that if my Rose dealer does not have a Bluetooth dongle I should find and buy a NEXT-1265WBTA from NEXTU. However, as my 150 is only 5 months old, I do not feel that I should have to do that myself. If anything, Rose should mail one to me.

I’ve got your e-mail. Can you e-mail me the e-mail address when you signed in? not your user name.