Unable to play any music video

My RS150B is using OS 4.19.01 version. In the past week all music videos in my playlist refuse play due to “This stream cannot be opened temporarily”.

Any suggestions as to how to remedy this annoying problem?


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Please answer a few questions.

  1. Which app did you use to play the music video? Tidal video, Rosetube, videos saved on your storage device?
  2. If you try to play a video saved on your storage device through a video app but it does not play, is the video saved with a codec other than the codec shown in the picture below?
  3. If you are having this problem playing Tidal videos, please re-login to your Tidal account.
  4. If this problem occurs with RoseTube videos, click Rose Store to reinstall or update Rosetube.

The videos were downloaded from RoseTube and stored in a playlist on the Rose app.
I have now uninstalled and re-installed RoseTube and all videos are now playing.
Many thanks for your quick response and fixing of the problem