USB fiber connection bug between RS130 and RD160

I compared SFP+ Finisar FTLX1475D3BTL to a DAC cable tonight for 30 minutes (I have about one month playing time with DAC cable), I like SFP+ Finisar FTLX1475D3BTL better than my DAC cable based on my system.

@Yu3319 The SFP+ Finisar FTLX1475D3BTL uses 2 core fibre, doesn’t it ?
I am tempting to try it since the SFP I am using from RSA720 uses single core fiber. Curious to find out if two is better than one. :smile:

Yes, use two core Corning cable single mode cable

Thanks. I’ll definitely give it a try later.

Please make sure to use Corning cable as is better than other cables that I tried

Noted. May I know where you got the cable and do you have the parts number for it ?

Also, does the Corning cable in blue or yellow color ?

I believe that single mode is always in yellow.

I forgot where I purchased the cable. I need to check it

Thank you. I searched a number of cables but I am not sure which one is the correct one. :sweat_smile:

Just ordered a pair of the Finisar FTLX1475D3BTL. And will order the cable as well.
Thank you very much !