UsbAudio not working - Window 11 PC connect to RS150B USB in

I’m using new notebook Acer Swift5, using USB connect to RS150B USB in, but it didn’t work, any new Windows drivers update for that?

Well, you can run de driver in windows 10 mode. But why would want to use an laptop to play? The rose app works on windows 11. Means you can controll it via lan?

I use RS520 with USB connected to Win 11, also have Rose Connect running on Win 11. I do use USB when I listen to YouTube Music subscription (had YouTube Red for a long time).

I have to do 2 things.

  1. I need to select USB as as the input with Rose.
  2. On Win 11, Task bar click on the Speaker icon and on the volume , right side icon of speaker click on it and select —> Rose DAC . If USB is not selected as input on ROSE, then ROSE DAC option will not be available in Win 11.
    Love all these options available with ROSE.