I’m confused why the thumbnail is showing on your RS250A home screen. It is not showing on my screen as the pictures show.
Any update on this? I want to reiterate how disappointing and frustrating this is to have all of my videos loaded onto the RS250a and seeing nothing but blank placeholders for each of the videos. I’m considering selling and looking for other options. Why is this so difficult to resolve? Is this being looked at? Why am I not seeing cover art on the screen though you are telling me that it is working for you. What else can be done?
Hi can you tell me what software you ripped a dvd to test it? And what was the video saved as, an .mkv or .mp4? Can you give me some clues why I’m not seeing cover art for my ripped dvds. I’m still waiting for resolution to this. I’m wondering if it is the video file format that is causing the issue
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
We are working on DB-related fixes in the next update.
This issue is currently being corrected and we are always aware of the issue.
Ok thank you for response. Just to confirm because earlier you said everything shows fine on the rs250a, you all are aware cover art does not show on the RS250a even when the rose connect app shows it.
And also when is the next update planned? Thank you
Recently we released an update. We usually release updates once every two to three months.
Hi I have finally resolved this issue. I tried reformatting the hard drive and factory resetting the device however this did not resolve anything and the lack of cover art for many .mkv files were still not showing. What worked was moving the .mkv into a NEW folder. I simply named the folder something slightly different and moved that file into it. I then deleted the old folder. Once I rescanned the database the cover art was now showing. I’m not sure why this resolved it but it did. It must’ve been something with the folder itself that was causing issues. This also resolved the issue where several .mkv files were being lumped together in one “Rose Disc” folder like they didn’t have their own folder they were in. So now everything is sorted correctly.
So thank you for helping me through this issue. I will try to update the genre meta information tonight to see if that works now.