Visual albuns from Tidal

Hi, I can’t view Tidal visual albums on Rose 250. The video is constantly restarting. Anyone with this problem?


We apologize for any inconvenience caused during use.
I have a few questions for you.

  1. The visual album is not visible in Tidal on the RS250 screen. To view the visual album, please use the RoseConnectapp.
  2. What does video is constantly restarting mean?
    Are you saying that only one video loops continuously? Or do you mean it starts over again during playback?

If you explain your symptoms in detail, it will be easier for us to give you an answer.

Thank you

It means that the video starts and 2 to 3 seconds later it goes back to the beginning, over and over again!


I’m sorry for not understanding your answer.
You mean 2-3 seconds out of sync? Or do you mean that when you play a video, there is sound, but the video starts after 2-3 seconds?

Thank you