Visual remarks when CD ripping

Hello, I would like to share some remarks about the graphics while ripping.

1. Red circle: I was wondering why displaying the sector number? I don’t see the added value of that, but maybe other people do? If not needed, better not show it and use this space for the track name + artist name.

2. Blue circle: I suggest to move the ‘Ripping’ status bar to this open space, so that there would be space for showing an extra track on the initial screen (showing then a total of 3 tracks instead of 2 currently).

3. In addition of point 2. it may be interesting for some people (me included :slight_smile: ) when the top 2 horizontal lines (‘Path’ and ‘Track’) could remain always visible when scrolling down the list of tracks instead of disappearing like now is the case. This could be set as ‘fixed’ or ‘variable’.

4. Green circle: After a track is ripped, a ‘Play’ button is shown completely on the right of the track title. First of all, what is the purpose of it? Secondly, personally (maybe because I am left handed?) I would prefer a position much more on the left, like left of the ‘Track’ number column or left of the track ‘Title’.

5. Green circle above/ red circle below: I noticed that the space for the ‘Artist’ column is quite limited. Here the name is shown completely but in other screens like when after finishing the CD rip, it is not the case:

6. Quality of display: I am disappointed about the readability of text on the display. The letters are not fine focused, so I am wondering if there is a problem with my device or is this the standard quality? Look here for example in the orange circle:

The smaller letters are almost glued to each other, diminishing the readability importantly. And notice how strange the characters of the CD-ROM are displayed, some are bigger than others.

Thanks for your feedback.

Hello, thanks for your comment.

We will reflect the necessary parts through an internal meeting.
Thank you.


Thanks for the feedback, just want to contribute.

2 small additions to point 2.:

  • The buttons on the right for ‘Play All’ and ‘Cancel’ are now taking up the height of 2 lines. Of course this should be reduced to 1 line height when deciding to move the ‘Ripping’ progress bar to the blue place.
  • Due to the big distance, it would enhance the readability if the text ‘Ripping’ would be joined with its progress percentage, that is now placed completely on the other, right side; e.g ‘Ripping (21%)’.

About point 6. I made a macro shot of a part of the display to make it more clear how some character signs are ‘glued’ together on my device:

The photo is not altered nor reduced in size, but I must admit that it represents the characters a bit more ‘fat’ compared to reality, but I could not find a better way to take such a photo.

The readability of the word ‘Relax’ is OK, probably because it is a bigger font and not bold?
But below, in the word ‘Frankie’ the ‘F’ and ‘r’ are together, the ‘a’ and ‘n’ are together, the ‘k’ and ‘i’ are together.
In the word ‘Goes’ the ‘e’ and ‘s’ are together and not clearly open inside.
The word ‘to’ is together.
In the word ‘Hollywood’ the ‘y’, the ‘w’ and the first ‘o’ are together, but overall it is less disturbing than with the first 2 words.

Hi, I have bought a Rose RS150 this week and - as I am discovering the functions of this new unit - I have noticed similar issues with the way text is laid out on the screen, the letters look all jumpy and not aligned as well as looking all weird. mashed together and not well balanced.

I attach a picture of an area that really caught my eye - but I have seen other examples in other areas and the comments from @Dopo confirm an overall issue with text/font layout on screen.

Hope this will help you guys as you plan to fix/address this?

best, alessandro.

no good having a large screen and having letter distortion