Volume sur sortie Dac pour Rs150b

Bonjour à tous

Je souhaite utiliser un dac externe qui n’a pas de contrôle de volume. J’utilise mon intégré Accuphase pour contrôler le volume

Comment desactiver la commande de volume du Rs150b? Je n’y arrive pas


Hello everyone

I want to use an external dac that doesn’t have a volume control. I use my Accuphase built-in to control the volume

How to deactivate the volume control of Rs150b? I can’t do it



The software volume control function of your RS150b is turned off. If you adjust the volume on Accuphase, will the volume be adjusted on the RS150b as well?
Software volume control can be checked by clicking the gear icon in the input/output settings.

Justement je n’arrive pas à desactiver la commande de volume en Usb !! J’arrive a le faire pour la sortie analogique

Comment faire ?


I can’t deactivate the USB volume control!! I manage to do it for the analog output

How to do ?



I need a more detailed answer from you.

Please answer the questions below.

  1. Please tell us the exact model name of Accuphase you are using.
  2. How about connecting your RS150b and Accuphase via USB and turning off the software volume control function on RS150b?

it is an Accuphase E5000 amp with Dac 50 card (Accuphase).
it is connected via USB.
in all cases the volume control is active, whether On or Off


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

As a result, the USB Audio interface of Accuphase E5000 amp with Dac 50 card and RS150b are confirmed to be different. In the future we plan to modify the USB Audio interface. Then I think the problem will be solved. We need some time to resolve this issue.