VU meter on Rose 250 A

Hello !
I bought a Rose 250 A few day’s ago and I have a problem that is bothering me. Although I set the vu meters to ''off ''and the artist and the song appear on the display, after less than 1 minute the vu meters appear on the screen again. When I check the settings, they appear “on” again ! I don’t know what else to do, because the screen keeps changing. I mention that I use an iPhone 15 for remote control, and I set the ‘‘off’’ setting for the vu meter both from the phone remote and from the device’s display. The running software seems to be up-to-date and is 5.7. What should I do, in order to keep the setting on the vu meter on off position, and enjoy the display as I want, by showing the artist and the song ?



An update on this issue is expected to be released later this week.

Thank you for your answer ! We are waiting for you to let us know when the new update will be released

Thank you for your answer ! We will wait for it