Weather For Raleigh, NC, USA

Please add Raleigh, North Carolina, USA to the clock/weather. Thank you great feature!

Weather/ Time for St Louis, MO too please.


@StandardModel @KECN

I have added the regions you requested.
You can confirm that it has been added by turning your Rose device off and on again.

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I can find Raleigh in the location list but it fails to recognize the weather. When set to Raleigh it indicates "network connection weak, Check network -(message may not be exact quote). I have no problems streaming music on my network. Seems as if weather should appear if it can stream music… I have turned the HiFi Rose 250 A on and off. no change.

Confirming this is Raleigh, NC.

Thank you in advance!


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

I didn’t experience the same symptoms as you when I set Raleigh as my setting region. Does the same problem occur even if you set a region other than Raleigh?

No, I can get weather from Washington DC and Virginia Beach just by clicking on them.

I am able to get weather for cities within the New York time zone which is same time zone for Raleigh, NC. When I attempt to load weather for a city out of Eastern Time Zone I get the Poor network connection message.

Can someone else reading this post attempt Raleigh Weather? (USA). Please reply your results.

I tried Raleigh and got the same “poor connection” message.

Thanks for checking DeepSouthDisco. I hope this helps admin. to figure it out…


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
This issue has been fixed.

Canton, GA USA

Also, how can I select MPH for wind speed?


strong text


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We currently do not support MP/H.

We will check if addition is possible and add it if possible.

Thank you, I appreciate the consideration. It’s just odd to have Fahrenheit and Km/h on the same screen.