Weather Selection

Hi Support Team

I bought RS150B yesterday. However, it does not support the weather in Australia. May I request you to add it in?

Additionally, it does not support Chinese characters as well. Can you please advise how this can be fixed?



Hello @cchan ,

  1. Which city of Australia do you need?

  2. You can change language here
    (RS150B → Setting → System Setting → Language Option)

Or is there another part where you felt the translation was not enough?
If so, please let me know, I will do our best to reflect it in the update.

Best Regards,

  1. Sydney
  2. When I copied the link from youtube to rosetube, most of the Chinese characters disappeared.


City - Sydney
Suburb - Paddington

Re: Chinese Language

Weather request:
Country: Sweden
City: Uppsala

I have no Australia’s weather and radio on my RS150 too

No problem.
We will add Weather of Australia and Sweden soon.
Regarding to Chinese character, we will check.

We added Australia and Sweden weather service.

Could you add Dubai and Abu Dhabi as well?

I am still not able to see Australia. The version I have is:

Rose OS : 3.8.13
Rose Ware "
Rose Service:

Please also note that the Sydney Time showing is wrong. It should be 9:22 in accordance to the attached photo. Can you please check as well?

Could you add Gijon in Spain, please? Thanks!!

Please check again. There was a simple mistake.
Regarding to time, please give us some time to fix.

We have Basic License for this Weather Service. So, they support only some major cities of country. If we improve our License, we will try to add your city.

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Thank you! I hope to choose my city soon!

In view of what we customers pay for the RS150/B you really should think about improve your license to include as many citys as possible. :sun_behind_rain_cloud:

But thank you for Sweden, I appreciated that you fixed Sweden and my city. :grinning: :sunglasses:

Denmark please
i live in Aalborg (4. biggest city :hugs: )

Hi would you please add Dubai and Abu Dhabi…

Third time requesting for Abu Dhabi and Dubai weather to be added, at least as response would be appreciated! Otherwise happy with the device

Hello @PAH ,

We’ve added weather information about Dubai and Abu Dhabi already.
Please check.
RS150 → Clock → Settings → Weather Zone Setting → Arab Emirates → Dubai and Abu Dhabi

Weather request:
Country: The Netherlands
City: Utrecht

Time zone is not working correctly as well. Its 1 hour of GMT