What does Cloud input means?


What is the “cloud” menu entry in rose connect app? How can I use it?


Cloud is a function that allows you to connect to a NAS. PCs can also connect if they support FTP or Webdav, but PCs usually only support SMB, allowing them to connect to NAS.

If you look at the picture below, in order in the blank field,

  1. Remote name: a name to identify FTP
  2. FTP host to connect to : NAS IP address / port
  3. FTP Username / PW: FTP ID / PW.

Thank you

That mean, i can access my synology music files on my nas in corporate office, from my branch office as example?

As ip i can use my noip hostname and my username and password of my nas.?


Yes, that is correct!

Im checking my router ports, because i did try out after install the webdav server in my synology with port 5005 and seems do not work.

In other view, one of my customer has the rs150b and rs520 under the add/delete setting is not appearing the option for cloud. Like me instead.?


I have a question for you.
Are you saying that you can’t delete or add songs on the NAS with RS150b and RS520 using Cloud?

Thank you