What is 'Feed' in RoseConnect APP?

What is the new feature ‘Feed’ in RoseConnect APP?

Starting from version 4.15.12, we’d like to introduce the new ‘Feed.’

‘Feed’ is a space where you can upload photos and posts to share with other users. Through the Feed, users can easily exchange opinions with others on various topics, including sharing their playlists, audio news, and discussions about musical instruments.

Basic manual for Feed

1. Feed menu

2. When you tap the feed
You can view the playlist, album shared by the poster and comments.

3. How to share playlist, album or artist

  1. Search an artist that you want to share and tap the artist (or playlist, album)
  2. Tap the three dots menu next to share button
  3. Tap 'Upload Feed’
  4. Enter what you want share with others!