What is form factor for internal SSD?

Meaning the one users can add to the RS130. I understand the size limit is 4TB (but maybe more? no one seems to know for sure), but which physical form factor for the drive?

It’s in your manual section 5. The commonly used 2.5" SSD.

Thanks for the confirmation. Yes, it looks like a 2.5” form factor, but it doesn’t actually say it. :slightly_smiling_face:

So 2,5" SSD sata-3, max height 7mm? Anybody use a Samsung 870 evo and can confirm it works?

I bought a Samsung 870 Evo 2 TB drive and it installed fine and works as it should.

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I’m using a Samsung 870 Evo Ssd and it works fine

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Thank you Boddhidarma, I’ll order one so I have it when rs130 arrives. You have not found any downsides to local storage, right? SQ or other things… Thanks again

I too bought a ssd 2 T. Works great!

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