Widget for RoseConnect for iOS/iPadOS


I would like to see a simple widget for RoseConnect for iOS/iPadOS in order

  • to control the volume,
  • to mute,
  • to switch between the different inputs,
  • to turn on/off the display,
  • to turn on/off the clock, and
  • to turn on/off the VU meter.

And I would like to see a respective App on the Apple Watch as well.



I use the Rose Connect App on my iPad, all the functions you are requesting are already in the app.

Yes, I know. But I would like to have an additional widget so that I do not need to open the App and switch to the remote control functions.

Hi! There seems to be a misunderstanding. The user above is actually asking about widgets on iOS, for iPad or iPhone. This way you can change tracks, turn off the display without unlocking the device.

Hi @ROSEHAN & @ROSELOA could you please kindly consider this idea? I believe that, at the very least, it should be possible to switch tracks on the lock screen of iOS devices, just like we do with Tidal or Qobuz.

Apologies, totally misunderstood sorry.

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Currently we have no plans to develop the RoseConnect app for use on Apple Watch.

We will review your request internally.