WiFi & Bluetooth Connection Lost

I find that if the RS150 is left in standby mode for a while it cannot be switched on with either the remote or by the On/offf switch in the APP. The blue light does flash on the WiFi dongle though.

When I took it out of standby by using the RS150 touch screen the WiFi icon at the top right of the screen was not showing a connection and the app kept giving an error message of “Connection Failed”.
I had to switch off the WiFi in the settings menu and switch it back on again. It then connected to my network.
This has happened several times now.

Is this a bug and can it be rectified, please?



I’m sorry about the problems with RS150.
If you don’t mind, can you try factory reset and see if it still happens?
(RS150 → Setting → System Setting → Factory Reset)

Best Regards,


Thanks for the reply.

This has happened after a factory reset

I also noticed that if the RD150 is switched into standby, by switching on at the mains, it will not switch on by using the remote (Bluetooth) or the App (wireless). It has to be switched on by touching the icon on the screen. Is this normal?


There’s two types of turn off.

  • Short touch on the power button
  • Power button on bluetooth remote control
  • Standby mode on the app remote control
    → RS150 goes to standby mode. You can turn RS150 on with BT remote, APP, and short touch on power button.

  • Long touch on power button of RS150 and touch “Power OFF”
  • “Power OFF” button in APP remote control
    → You can’t turn RS150 on unless you touch the power button on RS150 device.

Also, please check this if you can’t turn RS150 on even if it’s in standby mode.

RS150 → Setting → System Setting → ‘USB/SSD power activation in standby mode’
If this option is set to ‘OFF’, the BT/WIFI dongle goes down, which means you can’t use the BT remote and APP to turn on RS150. (When you are using WIFI mode in RS150)

So, please check RS150 → Setting → System Setting → 'USB/SSD power activation in standby mode’
If it’s OFF or not.

Thank you for the information.
I didn’t know about the “Long touch” vs “short touch”, thanks for that.
The RS150 → Setting → System Setting → ‘USB/SSD power activation in standby mode’ was switched on.

The other situation when the remote doesn’t turn on the RS150 is when the RS150 is switched directly into standby mode by switching on the mains.
The bluetooth/wifi dongle does not light up. Presumably this is why the unit doesn’t boot up by wifi or bluetooth as the dongle is not active?
When the mains switch is turned on I cant hear the “click” of any relays . So no circuits are being switched on? Are my assumptions correct?
Is this by design?