WiFi or Ethernet


Which type of connection provides better performance and sound quality?

For high quality sound always use ethernet!

Hi @kontomatiego ,

quality wise personally I cannot hear a difference between the 2 on my RS150.
Reliability wise always use Ethernet if you can.


Are there any parameters that prove this?
Auralic, for example, recommends WiFi as a better solution for optimal quality.

Hi @kontomatiego,

No, I am not an audio lab, my ears are my instruments.
Also I don’t read your conclusion in the explanation of Auralic. Both have pros and cons, that’s it.


Here is your final answer:

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This is a slightly superficial and amateur explanation. I do not expect a scientific polemic and I realize that the final feelings are determined by the quality of the home network and individual preferences. However, it would be good to know at least the basic technical intentions and effects of the manufacturer in this field.