Location problem for rs150b

Hello, I live in Turkey. I do not have a country to display time and temperature in the settings. That means I don’t have a country in the radio application either. Is there a software update coming for this issue? Because there is a serious ROSE user base in my country.

Country for Turkiye

You can use this thread https://community.roseaudio.kr/t/local-weather-zones/3765/18 to ask Hifi Rose they can add the city where you live. They do it on indivudal city basis only and unfortunately not on country basis. For my town it worked!

@planavi bende Türkiyedeyim saat ve konum konusunda hiç sıkıntı çekmedim google dan Türkiyenin saat dilimine gmt olarak bak sonra bölge olarak Türkiyeye uygun olan gmt yi seç listeden sanırım moscow olacaktı saat dilimi. Radyoda da bölgeni internetten buluyor zaten rose. Bütün radyoları.


You just need to set the GMT time to the country that suits you.
From what I see, Türkiye and Russia are the same, so I think I should set it to Russia.

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