Notice Regarding RoseTube Playback Issue

Hello, this is HiFi Rose.

We have received reports that RoseTube playback is currently not functioning. We are checking if there have been any changes to the API we use. We will promptly verify this and update RoseTube through the Rose Store.

(Cached content can be played normally.)

We apologize for the inconvenience. We will prioritize this improvement and notify you again as soon as it has been addressed.

Thank you.

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Saw the issue fixed with the latest RoseTube app released yesterday. All fixed, thank you

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Today it happens again. Rosetube is not playing.

Also I noticed since the last update that every stream started with a stutter after half a minute, progress wheel turning and then resume without further problems.

Today I can’t watch at all.

Not fixed for me. I rebooted the unit, downloaded the newest software from the rose store. Still get the same message " Cannot find the URL" . I cannot watch any videos on the Rose 150b or on my Tv. Please help support team.

Yes, same here. I did the same and still ‘cannot find url’

Thanks for the quick fix Rose team!

I can’t play Rose Tube on my RS 250 player as well as the App. The message is “Fail to play the URL”

Latest Version installed?

Installed The latest version is not installed. It freezes.


Dear Hi-Fi Rose users

Rosetube was in the process of being modified due to changes in the API due to YouTube policy.
This problem can be resolved by accessing the Rosestore app on your Rose device and updating Rosetube to the latest version.

Thank you

Everything worked. Thank you.

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Thank you Rosehan. Two days of intruding commercials trying to dig into my mind like parasites reminded me how happy I am not to have to watch that crap.

I don’t know why, but every time I click a video from my [YouTube>subscriptions] list I keep getting '‘private or personalised lists can’t be added in the playlist’

Not even the one I’m playing at the moment.

I have removed and reinstalled the Rosetube app. I’ve rebooted. Nothing helps.

I’ve been getting thisessage so often. I don’t understand why it confuses a link for a list. It’s really annoying.

I can confirm the same issue. The same videos will work if viewed through Rosetube subscription, but they get the private/personalized message when attempting to view from the YouTube subscription when using the app. Both the ios and android apps have this issue.


Same here , i am on early access, i did a Factory reset and a roll back to normal version but nothing helped.

I think it’s a fundamental error, I don’t want to add to a playlist. I just want to play 1 stream.

It seems to have gotten better. But not completely fixed. I did notice that when you stop the current video, clicking the next is more likely to start without error message.

Live streams on YouTube make crashing rosetube.


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

In the case of RoseTube live videos, unlike YouTube used on PCs, you cannot select the video quality.
Once live video transmission is completed and registered, you can select the highest playback quality (4K), but in the case of real-time broadcasting, the transmission quality continues to change dynamically (Scalable Streaming).

Do you get the same symptom even if you play a live video on Rosetube instead of a live video on YouTube?

Yes same crashing when live stream is playing from rosetube or YouTube since 1 week. Before all was ok