[OTA] SW Ver 4.2(Rose Software Release

The problem was found and reported more than 2 months, is there any schedule to fix it by Rose?

Hello akkyuen,

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Am I the only one, who have a problem with staying on the chosen front, after the last update?
If I play a track like on the first picture, suddenly it changes to the image shown on the second picture! Very annoying, especially if I play from a Playlist and want to glimpse at the display now and again… Is there any explanation why this happens?


No, I also have this problem sometimes but not a lot of times
I can’t exactly tell when it happens, seems random

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@Bitspeed @RenisseD

Let me ask you a few questions.

  1. Is there a phenomenon of switching from a sound source to a video?
  2. Does this happen only on Tidal?

Thank you

I have to pay attention to it, couldn’t say right now.
I use both Tidal and Qubuz but most of the time Qubuz.
It just happens sometimes and then I click the touchscreen in the upper left corner on the song title and the playback screen is there again

Luckily enough, it doesn’t switch sound source… The song I’m listening to, is still playing! Only the display is changed… and Yes, I have only experienced it, when I’m playing Tidal!

#MeToo Same here, very annoying indeed.
It should be an easy fix.

I am very disappointed that the problem has not been fixed in the new version 4.3!