@BorisM That would be a good idea. Maybe also a turbo booster and wheels. I asked you something? I don’t remember. God stopped listen my prayers.
@Bonte i am tryin’ to expose the game that is behind the products and the development team and as you seeing they don’t give answers and soon we are all going to discover that the money we spent in 1-2 years are spend for a product not fully functional and went all to the garbage. You can enjoy the ironic conversation but at the end we all are losers and they are winners for selling us their products.
Not particularly different from any other HiFi product.
In the meanwhile, it would make far more sense to ask about bugs being fixed, or missing functionality being added, not keep asking over and over again about something completely irrelevant for either, like the version of Android used. If Rose would want to drop support for any of the older models, they could do it at any time regardless of OS version anyway.
@BorisM Let me explain why I am asking over and over again the same question. That question has to do with the android OS and the power of CPU and RAM and I am addressing that because that shows the knowledge of the development team. Because I have also company that develops software for other companies ERPS and logistics and i understand where the problem lies. I would agreed with you absolutely for new functions bug fixes if they could do resolve the basics. How can you ask someone who doesn’t walk properly and taking steps very slowly to jump or to fly. If we all ask for new functions how long we going to wait to see that functions coming alive when they cannot fix the basics you think. They even cannot fix the simple things. No proper database rescan function and other many many bugs. Do you still believe that they can fix things? But in the new android OS there is a chance and we all have to throw away our current products and buy new ones because at the end of the day our current products cannot support android 12 OS do to the RAM and CPU chipset limits. And if they prove me wrong I would be so happy and I would apologize. Let’s see.
None of the things you mention are, in any way, affected by Android 12. The version of Android currently used in RoseOS has no limitations preventing either bug fixes or new functionality that people keep requesting.
Rewriting RoseOS to use Android 12 (and why not 15, if we’re at it?) will not make Tidal Connect magically appear, or database scan work any better (although they did improve this significantly, even on the current version!), or make gapless DSD playback better. It will however take resources away from doing something useful, require redoing the audio portion of the RoseOS (which actually works perfectly fine right now), extensive testing on all released models, and for what benefit?
WEhat do you see Android 12 bringing to the table that would improve upon the current version for the purposes of a streaming music player?
People keep nagging about Android update, because their phones have a newer version, but nobody so far could articulate what it would do in a streamer, and most seem to have no idea of the lift involved.
Everything is correct and you don’t need to justify yourself, my big boy
You can ask…
But I always find @Boris’s comparisons totally brilliant.