[OTA] SW Ver 5.7.07 Software Release ( RS130/RS520/RS150/RS250/RS201)


After the update on 150b, some of the flac albums in my internal storage shows a duplicate album with non readable files. Kindly fix it.

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Please check if the same symptom occurs even if you try the method below.

RoseConnect app–>Settings–>Media Library–>Click DB initialization in the upper right corner, and when initialization is complete, click the storage device to scan the DB.

@ROSEHAN yes it’s sorted now by the procedure you wrote. Thanks a lot.

Worked fine still at my end. I think I needed to login to Qobuz again though.

@ROSEHAN icons associated with TIDAL playback on the Rose RS150B front screen are not correct.

  1. When playing a TIDAL “HIGH” track CD quality at 44.1KHz/16bit the front panel shows “MAX”. This is incorrect should indicate “HIGH”.

The “MAX’ icon shows irrespective of the track quality - it always shows.

  1. When for the first time streaming a TIDAL “MAX” track which is HiRes at 192KHz/24-bit, we do get the “MAX” icon but not the “HiRes” icon,

However, if you have “TIDAL Cache enabled” and skip track backwards and then go back to the same track via the front panel then the “HiRes” icon appears.

This would seem to be a bug in this software version.

Update +5 hours later: Was doing some house keeping on my SSD stored music library and undertook a DB Delete, DB Initialise, Add DB. Rechecked the same TIDAL Playlist as per this morning and all the correct icons appear, that is “HIGH” appeared for the CD quality streamed tracks, and “MAX” & “HiRes” for the higher quality tracks from TIDAL. Cannot explain this???!!

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Hello and a happy new year!!!
@ROSEHAN The new android 12 OS for the RS151 will affect also the RS130? Because on the 7 OS you didn’t resolve the true gapless playback issue on DSD and other lots of things.
Waiting for your answer.



Please check a few things.

  1. Do you see the same symptoms even after clearing the cache in Tidal?

  2. Do you see the same symptoms even after turning off your cache function and using it?

When you’re not answering @ROSEHAN the question the answer is obvious and clear.
To every Rose owner… This company is a mess. I asked everyone who have reviewed the new RS151 and nobody answered the question. There is something going on. Be aware.

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@ROSEHAN I am unable to replicate the icon fault as previously photographed. I have cleared the Tidal cache and all works as expected. I have disabled the cache and all work as expected.
I have now re-enabled the cache and all is working as expected witht he correct icons showing.
In the above tests I used my iPhone with the ios App to select the various playlists.

Update + 1 hours later: Playing various tracks from Tidal and noticed CD quality track showing as “MAX” and it should show “HIGH”. Skipped fwd and bwd but stays as “MAX”. Cannot get it to change to the correct “HIGH” icon. Cleared Tidal Cache - shows “MAX”. Disabled Tidal Cache - shows “MAX”. Next track is 192KHz/24bit showing as “MAX” but no “HiRes” icon.

With Cache enabled:


Cache Disabled:

Cache Disabled and next track playing…

@Bonte I was reffering to my previous question of the android 12 OS and the gapless DSD playback issue and if that was resolved to the RS151 and nobody responded to that from everyone reviewed the product. Sorry if i was not clear enough.

Hello christoum1974,

yes, I understand your request!!!

I only posted the video because the new RS 151 was mentioned here. Furthermore, I don’t own the 151 because it is not yet available in my country! Also, it is not in my price range.

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Sorry for the late reply.

When playing DSD sound sources, the gapless function is disabled.
It is not much different from other Rose devices in terms of software.
However, since there is a difference in the DAC chip, we are not sure whether this issue will occur or not.

@ROSEHAN I also asked if the new android 12 OS will affect the RS130. Can you please answer also that question. Also you responded about the DSD gapless playback in the previous year that the problem is from your software that blocking the DSD files. Now you mentioned the chip. I hope that the problem lies on your software and not on the chip and one day my RS130 will play the DSD files as it should from the beginning. I hope also that the “under development” your team said to a reviewer that i am communicate with it’s the truth… Waiting for your response. Thank you.

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I checked with the software team again and when using the Gapless function, it is not that DSD music cannot be played, but it is currently blocked by our software. When using the Gapless function, DSD sound sources can be played, but noise occurs when playing some DSD sound sources.

When using the Gapless function ON and playing DSD sound sources, tick noise occurs in certain sound sources.
The software team said that it does not seem easy to improve at the moment.

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@ROSEHAN Ok about the gapless function on DSD. It’s a software problem and no improvement at that time. I also asked about android 12 OS and I am asking for third time and i see an avoidance on answering that question. It’s because the answer is no and people will eventually stop buying current products? I have a feeling that the development will continue on the new 12 OS only. Prove me wrong. I will be relieved if my feeling proves to be wrong. Thank you

This is really unfortunate.

I would have to agree, this should be fixed.

You could also ask if they are going to add bright-yellow racing stripes to the inside of the case. They would have exactly as much effect on playback.

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:rofl: :clap:t2: :clap:t2: :clap:t2:

:joy: The comparisons…absolutely awesome :sweat_smile:
