Play by Genre, Artist, Composer, Shuffled, Next, Last etc

I would like to have a function to play a genre, artist, composer either mixed or by album just as in the screenshot.
Play Now, Queue next, Queue last, Play Shuffled, Play Now, Play Next, Play Album Queue Next, Last, Shuuffled and so on,


I can respond to one of your points - shuffle in a proper way will NEVER happen with Rose as their software guys are simply not capable of something other software guys could do 14 years ago!!!

Right now such features are missing.
Lets see with what the people at Rose come up regarding the operability. I am a bit disappointed that these features are not available because a lot of my tagged tracks are impossible/difficult to find.
Yet, i do use the recommended feature (Android App) a lot and select albums which a have not thought of anymore.


Could you please confirm if I understand your request correctly?
You can view a list of albums by selecting an artist and genre from the ā€˜Classificationā€™ tap.

And what you want is, for example, when you touch a specific artist, do you mean you want to play all the albums and their tracks that appear at once?


Yes this is what I would like.
To choose an Artist, Band, Genre, Composer, Rating (from tags), Publisher, Years, Decades perhaps even Conductor for classical music.
Then choose to play shuffled, in sequence, by album, publisher and so on.

I use the ā€œrecommendā€ feature of the RS520 a lot. It is a nice way to listen different kinds of music.

Kind regards, Uwe


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Hello Ben and Roseloa

There are definitely some problems with db scan of Rose xxx.

And there is a need for a good tag editor.

Which one?

I have worked with several, including Mediamonkey, Mp3Tag and most recently AudioRanger.
The latter was new, but has some features that others donā€™t have.
I recommend testing it out.

These last one had a good auto finder.

I had an album with only as filenames Track 01, Track 02 etc.
Audio Ranger was the only that found the real title and album.!!!

Hello ARey11
thanks a lot for the links. I read the ā€œ11 best apps for taggingā€¦ā€ which was interesting to see the differences.
I personally use Media Monkey 4 with the Discogs addon installed. Media Monkey 5 is unusable for tagging. I like Media Monkey because it helps a lot to manage my music collection. Not many apps can do thatā€¦

Now i will try out Audioranger to see how it feels for tagging. I have to say that tagging involves a lot of personal effort first to understand what tagging really is and at what it can do or not do if it is done the wrong way. For me it took a lot of work to finally find a semi automatic naming convention for directories, files and different types of music.

But i would never read and tag thousands of files at once. I do it album by albumā€¦


Also take a look at this site:

Every year, listeners of Radio 2 (Netherlands) and also Radio 2 (Belgium) are asked to send in your choice of 3 songs.
Based on this, a top 2000 of that year is made.

This will be broadcast in the last week of the year.
But you canā€™t listen 24 hours / 5- daysā€¦
Thatā€™s why I bring them to my own music libary
And Iā€™ll have a lot of work to do on it for later.
And of course a good Tag editor is not a luxury but a necessity even if it is not an albumā€¦

This site has undergone a lot of renovation and can now be used via Spotify.

or also via YouTube


I apologize for the lack of control over tags in your music. Weā€™ll take a closer look at this area and improve it.


yes i think it will be very nice to get improvement in this area simply to be able to ā€œmanageā€ music with RS520. So i wait !

Kind regards, Uwe

Hi I just bought a rs201e. I have a large music collection on a zyxel nas device.
Rose does not browse at all.
So I went to copy them to an internal 2.5 drive. I tried 4k different drives . None fit in slot
So I plugged into the usb 3.o slot this responds well.
I then went to play; my bluegrass music. Search finds it but I canā€™t figure out hw to select them


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
I have a few questions for you.

  1. To connect NAS and RS201, both devices must be connected to the same network.
    Are both the NAS and RS201 connected to the same network?
  2. If your NAS cannot be searched even after entering RS201ā€“>Musicā€“>Folderā€“>Network, it is because RS201 and NAS are not connected to the same network. Please check your network again.
  3. If you want to view your sound source after connecting a USB external hard drive to RS201, please follow the method below.
    RS201ā€“>Musicā€“>Folderā€“>Your USB external hard drive

Forget about shuffle play as Rose is simply not able to do that. Over 14 years ago my Olive 4HD could shuffle 20000 songs without problem - Rose can only do 500 songs :-1:t2::-1:t2::-1:t2::-1:t2::-1:t2:

@ROSEHAN, @ROSELOA, still nothing on this? This is one of the most basic music management features that should be available; is there any chance we will see it?

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We are currently prioritizing device stabilization and it seems difficult for us to add this feature.

Itā€™s hard for me to understand how the Rose team developed a software roadmap at the very beginning of this whole thing, that didnā€™t have the most basic functions on it that other music management software and apps had had for years. :man_shrugging:

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I agree that without this basic functions to select search & play a tagged music collection is not useful.