Qobuz Connect Feature

Any plans to add Qobuz Connect to Rose RS150b?



I’m sorry. Currently, we are prioritizing software stabilization rather than adding new features.
We will let you know if Qobuz connect can be added later.

Thank you

Any news on this matter? :blush:

As far as I know Qobuz Connect is not yet available from Qobuz. They promised it would be introduced last year but it wasn’t. It is now in Beta testing.
Your question should be directed to Qobuz and not HiFi Rose.

Please check carefully, because I have Qobuz Connect since I have been using this program.

The example you have given is not called Qobuz Connect. This is an example of Qobuz connecting via Chromecast or Airplay. It is not the same as say, Tidal Connect or Spotify Connect which allows the use of the Tidal or Spotify native app as the controller when connected to a compatible receiver. As an example, Tidal Connect will allow me to connect to a pair of old Sonos One ( non Airplay ) speakers using the Tidal App as the interface.
I cannot do this with Qobuz.
I corresponded with Qobuz as recently as December last year and they confirmed Qobuz Connect was still “ work in progress” and is yet to be released.
They are many posts on the internet about this.

@Martini , yes you’re right. I should have done my homework before posting the question. It seems like Qobus only support chromecast and do not have their own connect feature yet. I have just began to test Qobuz, and didn’t look closely enough at the icon in the “casting menu”, as they are calling the menu “Q connect”.