Qobuz login failure

Qobuz is logged into HiFi Rose RS130 and displays correctly.
When I try to use RoseConnect for IOS 4.17.07 build date (24.03.13) to log in to Qobuz, RoseConnect displays a message that I am not logged in and when I try to log in the Qobuz opening page briefly appears (1/2 second) and then disappears.


The issue appears to be that I am not on the latest RoseConnect Premium. I have tried

to download the update from the Apple App store. Here is the error message I get:

I have talked to Apple support at the upper levels. They say this message is coming from the app developer i.e., Rose. The error message makes no sense to me or Apple support as there are no security settings in Apple’s recovery.



We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Please install PC RoseConnect from the link below, not the Apple Store.