RD160 - Which filter do you use?

To the happy owners of RD160, I would like to know which filter you use and overall, what is for you the best combination filter - sampling.

Personally, my favorite combination is Super Slow - Bypass

I find the Super slow filter more balanced, offering a beautiful sound stage, very ample and no sibilance…

The Slow mode is a bit like a loudness, sometimes necessary with certain tracks of music, the others have in my opinion only little difference between them…

At the moment I use By-pass and the original filter. I quickly tested Slow.

I use Super Slow, mainly use Up Sample, sometimes, bypass.

Yes, Super Slow - Bypass is the most natural here :sparkles:

Just tried Super Slow - Bypass. Yes, pretty good.

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Tom i just got my RD160, do you have any recommendations for volume ? Is there a fixed output option?

I’m using slow and bypass too. USB Synergistic Research Galileo cable. What are everyone’s thoughts on volume ? I’m running rs130 - rd160 - ra180 stack.

The rs130 is fixed volume, can control on amp and dac.

Great ! There’s no fixed option on the RD160. I set its volume to 84, and use my RA180 amp to control the volume. Also I use the Auto voltage for output level.

That’s funny because I just set mine to 83 . Great minds hear alike !

Cool…Haha…exactly !

BTW, regarding filter.
Although the Super Slow + Bypass is good, I eventually return to the the default filter and Upsampling.
Even though great minds hear alike, our speakers and cables, etc, may still affect the choice we prefer from each other.

Absolutely :100:. I’m currently

Rs130 - rd160 - ra180 - synergistic research powercell 14 w/ Euphoria cable - complete battery power - SR srx cable to dac - SR Galileo USB and XLR - sonus faber nova olympica 2 - solid tech sound of silence rack - SR tranquility bases - fiber optic to router

I can already tell rd160 outperforming weiss and gustard x30

I can confirm the RD160 is superior to the Weiss and the Gustard x30 by significant margin in my system

God is good. Life is wonderful with beautiful music.

Totally agreed. You’ll enjoy it more after a week or two.

Long live Hifi Rose :rose: !

The timbre of instruments is phenomenal, the sound more analogue, digital glare largely gone, blacks deeper and longer, separation improved, just incredible ! Well done Hifi Rose!!

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Absolutely :100:
My previous Laiv Harmony DAC is pretty good. But I have no regret replacing it with the RD160.

Yes, there is a fixed volume (bypass volume) on RD160. You can set the output voltage to a preset number, for example 2V/4V

What voltage you recommend?

2V/4V, standard for most of the Amps