Rose Radio is a Huge Improvement

I was one of the people urging an improvement to RoseConnect’s ability to manage connections to Internet Radio Stations. The new RoseRadio is a job well done and a huge improvement. I thank the team responsible.

Is the microphone to indicate that a station is an OTA station?

In the future I still have two requests. First, can you add a symbol for commercial free stations and secondly a metadata search would be very helpful.


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Currently, RoseRadio does not have a microphone to indicate that the station is an OTA station.

  1. We don’t know which of the thousands of radio channels are commercial free channels. We have a system that automatically uploads radio channels from a server that provides radio channel URLs. It is difficult to add technology to automatically check commercial free.

  2. We currently support song information through Shazam, but metadata seems difficult.

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Thank you for the information.
I wasn’t clear. On some(but not all) of the radio stations shown in the app, there is a small icon of a microphone. I guessed at its meaning. I guessed that the presence of a microphone meant that the station was not on the internet only but rather an over the air commercial radio station as well. Is that correct? If not what does the microphone signify?

Also, how does one use Shazam with a radio station with RoseConnect?


I answered my own question. Shazam can be found in RoseRadio.
When a radio station is being played the screen shows the radio station logo on the left side of the screen. At the bottom of that radio station logo there is the word “Shazam”.
That’s it.
works like a charm! Dare I say it “Shazam”



RoseRadio’s radio channels are retrieved from a server called Radiobrauser.
Small icon of a microphone Indicates the radio channel being played.
A channel may not be playable just because it has a small icon of a microphone, and it does not mean that a channel cannot be played just because it does not have a small icon of a microphone.
The small icon of a microphone is simply an icon displayed according to the signal sent from Radiobrauser. We cannot remove or add the icon.

Thank you. The microphone doesn’t bother me, nor do I want it changed. I was just curious as to whether its presence or absence had some significance. It doesn’t.

I’m enjoying the new Rose Radio app. immensely.


Thank you for the answers to my questions, which unfortunately have not yet been answered.

I also asked the questions about the microphone symbol. Take a look at my questions, impressions and pictures.



The microphone icon shows whether the radio channel is broadcasting or not.

Channels with black microphone icons will not play.

Microphone icon in RoseRadio - #5 by ROSEHAN? u=bonte

I have answered the link above.



I desire to use the Vintage Radio Display (on the RS130’s Front Panel) for RoseRadio.

AFAIK, the Radio FM use to be controllable via the Radio Vintage Display. I often listen to FM radio stations.

Please restore the Radio FM function or upgrade the Radio Vintage Display to control the Rose Radio’s favorite radio stations?


RoseFM is not something you listen to by connecting to a frequency.
We customized the app by adding several radio channels to each frequency.
Currently, development of the RoseFM app has been discontinued.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.


what does it mean ‘currently … discontinued’?
It means temporary or permanent?

I use this app regularly.


Please restore user access to the Front Panel’s Radio Vintage Display ← display buttons to support Rose Radio’s favorite radio stations

The Radio Vintage Display is one of my favorite Front Panel looks.


It is not certain, but there are no plans for further improvements to ROSE FM in the future.