Rose + Tidal Hi-res + buffering issue


I have an issue with playing hi-res music from Tidal on Rose 150B.

  1. music plays smoothly but no Hi-res
  2. Hi-res music stops, then download more data to buffer and back to playing (which means there are few stops during one song). The buffer bar is very short for Hi-res or there is no buffer bar at all.
  3. The same song can be played with no interruption from the Tidal web player.
  4. Internet connection is perfect, the same connection is used for Rose and the PC with Tidal web player.
  5. Rose and Rose App are in the latest versions.
  6. Hi-res music from Apple plays perfectly.

I would appreciate any suggestion on how to solve this issue.


Try going to Rose Store and first deleting Tidal data

Do the same with Qobuz

Thank you for trying to help me with this issue. I have just deleted

Tidal data and even uninstalled and installed the Tidal application. Unfortunately, it did not help.

I am not sure whether the Tidal app on rose communicates directly to Tidal servers or whether it goes to Rose servers and from there to Tidal servers.
Perhaps someone from Rose can clarify this.

Hmm, strange, if someone, including me, is experiencing issues here, then it’s with Qobuz.
Do you have an internal SSD? Have you tried caching data on Tidal? This might be a solution…

Give it a try.


Thank you for your help.
I was thinking about installing an SSD but was not sure if it could help solve the issue.
Is there any way to cache Tidal streaming?

Many thanks.

I think it will be difficult to do this without an internal SSD.
Maybe there are issues with your router settings?

Have you read this thread already?

@th.rose And also… Before you start digging into the router settings, I would strongly recommend resetting 150B to factory defaults. Just give it a try. Unfortunately, ROSE software doesn’t work as reliably as one would hope…

On the 150B, everything should work without any router settings, just like before…

Thank you.

I wouldn’t like to solve the issue by resetting Rose. Even if It starts working properly the issue will be back for sure.

I am not an expert but this problem is related to the streaming speed transfer. Higher the speed (better song quality) and shorten the buffer bar.

The question is if it is a software or hardware issue. I do not know if an SSD would improve the situation.

Many thanks,

I have tried to change the DNS to and on Rose and the router but it did not help.

I think I have found something interesting:

  1. when I play music from Apple my router recognises it as iTunes and streaming media,
  2. when I play music from Tidal (Rose) my router recognises it as Web-other with no specific category.

I will try to reconfigure the router to set higher priority for the Rose.

The issue was solved by changing the router configuration. The Tidal on Rose is recognised as a Web-other bandwidth type, meaning it has no priority. I changed the router configuration to make Rose’s bandwidth recognisable as streaming (i.e., VoIP).

If someone uses an edgerouter, here are the commands:

  1. login to CLI
  2. configure
  3. set firewall modify ROSE-STREAMING rule 10 action modify
  4. set firewall modify ROSE-STREAMING rule 10 modify dscp 46
  5. set firewall modify ROSE-STREAMING rule 10 source address /<- ROSE IP nr/
  6. set interfaces ethernet eth1 firewall in modify ROSE-STREAMING /eth1 port where ROSE is connected to router/
  7. commit
  8. save

I have written here several times that I did it when I first set up the Rose.

I had no problems when I first set up Rose. I still chose the router settings, gave the Rose a static IP address and prioritized the LAN connection.

Everything for AVM Fritz Box Germany.

I had no information that Tidal streaming is web-other bandwidth and has no priority when playing from a streamer. If you use Apple Music on Rose, everything works perfectly because Apple Music streaming from Rose is recognisable as a streaming transfer and has high priority. Setting high priority for Rose seems obvious when you have that knowledge.
I wonder if there is a chance to change the type of bandwidth in the Rose software directly to avoid such situations.


I didn’t have it either and I don’t know it either. I set it up in the router from the day I set it up and never had any problems with Tidal or Qobuz.

I only lost the look in on Qobuz once a month. I just had to log in again (Rose app Qobuz), that was it. Otherwise, as I said, everything worked smoothly for me.
