Rose Tube Sticking


I’ve been using the RS250 for over two years. Recently when using Rose Tube I have found the video caches about 1/4 of the track then stops. Playback catches up and then stops.
Connected via Ethernet to fast internet.
Fully updated apps.
Cached to device or to external disc - result the same.
Have factory reset device.
Have created new rose account
Tried WiFi
Rebooted router
Happens when playing from app or device
Only happens on RoseTube - no problem playing from other sources
All videos affected

Can anyone help please as Rose Tube is my go to…


This is a known issue which, I think, was addressed, in the latest RoseTube app update.
See this thread on this forum

PS. Not affiliated with Rose, expressing opinions of my own

It’s still sticking after updates, factory restore, reboots of router etc.

What the hell is wrong with this. I’m gutted that my Rose is now useless for Videos.

It was the main reason I bought it.

Can anyone from the company offer any support?