RS130 clicks when changing the songs

Don’t know what you’re continually trying to prove here. You seem to know what you’re taking about, but only speak partly informed, half truths.
I’m sorry to say, you express no more than opinions. That’s fine by me when you show being aware of your limitations and respect others in their choices.
Best wishes and happy Christmas!

i will explain to you . i get Rose 130 only because all those awesome reviews on YouTube.they talking about rose almost like some hind of holly grail. but is not ad we all know that . We all love this awesome LCD but what else??? Nothing special plus all those bugs . I think forum crated to talk and push manufacturing company to do it better. We asking them for simple things like Tidal connect or Equalization . They answering - No sorry we are not going to do that This is why Iam so pissed off. Even when i spoke wit customer support about that clicking and poping problem - they just told me that they know about that problem but they cant fix it for now … .

I have to say that Tidal works brilliantly on my 130, really happy with how it performs,

I have seen your comments @pfras , about the clicking issue, and whilst I am using I2S connectivity, I have had a perfect run with it. No issues at all.

Not sure what the root cause of your issues is, and may be it is your 130, but for me at least - I am very happy / trouble free in both these spaces.


thanks for the info . i waiting for new DAC from HOLO audio. Maybe the crappy PS audio was a issue . i dont know … or i got damaged rs130 . From other side i spoke directly to the customer service rep from the store when i purchased the RS130 and told me that they know about this problem and trying to fix it …

I would venture to guess you are using Roon, correct? Over roon there are no clicks because the rS130 does not cache the music when using Roon but if you play via direct or via Rose connect the music is cached thus the pops. It is a cache issue for sure.

No I’m not using Roon.
Tidal to the RS130, just using the inbuilt functionality (screen or Rose app), I2S out to the PS Audio Directstream.

No clicking, no issues at all - just pure enjoyment.

This is one of those issues that Hifi Rose needs to address as I and others are anxiously awaiting a fix for a known problem. So I am not sure if we will ever have a root cause.

I will throw this out there once again, @ROSEHAN @ROSELOA any updates, please.

I use the 130 with Holo May KTE DAC and no clicking or pops at all
Did use it with i2s but now with usb which sounds better to my ears

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Interesting observation re USB sounding better, something I’m intending to try over the holidays. What characteristics did you notice ?

The result is greatly depending on what brand and type of interlink you’re comparing. Would you please share what these are?

I would agree with this idea that USB sounds better than i2s with the RS130 with one caveat you should be using the RSA720 to get full noise isolation and take advantage of the RS130 to its fullest. In reality I think the RSA720 should have been included with the RS130 but I suspect the RSA720 is a temporary accessory as the DAC in development by Hifi Rose most likely will have USB fiber built in so no more need for the RSA720 unless you go with another DAC which obviously is very possible.

Audio quest chocolate

I must assume I2S only?

Yes, but don’t use it anymore, now use 0,75 meter cinnamon usb cable from Audioquest
With i2s the Holo May KTE DAC needs some time to lock with PLL set to on.
With usb no issues

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USB doesnt require a Lock

Correct, that’s why I use it instead of i2s

I have the HoloAudio Spring 3 KTE. Which I2S setting did you use? Holo, Alt 1 , 2 or 3? Let me know id like to try it

Just just the standard Holo, compatible with ps-audio

Ahh ok …because mine clicks as well did you have PLL on or off?

How do you use the RS720 ? I use the RS130 as a streamer. I use USB out only to my DAC