RS130 with BRYSTON BDA-3 DSD issues

Hello Rose Team,
My RS130 is connected via USB to my Bryston BDA-3 DAC.
This works very well, except that the RS130 limits the DSD to 128 while the Bryston accepts DSD256.
Could you modify your database so that the Bryston is not restricted by this incorrect parameter?
My other SOTM streamer has no problem and allows DSD256…
Thanks in advance


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Please check the table above.
If you change the DSD mode to Native DSD in the input/output settings on your RS130, it appears to support DSD256.

Hello Rosehan,
Thanks for your response.
I just checked the DSD settings and I was already in native mode.
Obviously, some of the chosen mode, the output is always in DOP and therefore blocked in DSD 128.
Besides, Roon indicates that the exit is DOP and I can only choose DSD 64 or 128 …

Here is what Roon indicates when DSD native is activated in the RS130

Looking at your photo it appears to be set to DOP.
And Roon also appears to transmit the sound source in DSD128.

That’s the whole problem… the RS130 is set to Native DSD!
whatever the mode chosen, it is always DOP which is offered…


When using upsampling from Roon, DSD256 is normally supported as shown in the photo below.