RS250a Constant Reboots Needed with Roon

Following the last software update (I believe), I now need to reboot my RS250a at least once or twice a day before I try to use Roon. If I don’t reboot first, play will attempt to start, then Roon will lose the endpoint for a second and everything starts over. Rebooting the RS250a consistently fixes the issue for most (or the rest) of the day.

Also, sometimes the system will start skipping forward through songs after playing a few seconds of each. This only happens with Roon. A reboot also resolves this issue, for at least a good while.

I have made sure all Roon software is up to date, all network devices are running the latest firmware, and I have rebooted all devices on my network. The issue still appeared immediately following a full network reboot.

These are new issues that I didn’t have until recently. None of my half-dozen other endpoints of various types have these problems. I wouldn’t think I should have to constantly be forcing reboots to keep this unit working. Particularly, since I didn’t have to when I bought it.

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We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Currently we are not experiencing the same phenomenon as you. I need your help to solve the problem.
Users who would like to help us, please answer the questions below by emailing us below.

  1. Please tell us the model name of the Rose device you use.

  2. Please tell us the Rose ID of your Rose device.
    Rose device–>Settings–>System info–>Rose ID

  3. If you go to the RoseStore app on your Rose device and uninstall and reinstall Qobuz or Tidal, does the same problem appear?

  4. Do RoseRadio and Rosetube play normally without interruption?

  5. Please provide your Qobuz and Tidal accounts and password. We need to confirm that it appears in your account.

  6. Does this symptom appear when playing Qobuz or Tidal music?

Thank you for the response.

  1. I am using a RS250a
  2. Rose ID is 0C8C6E. Version 4.19 software.
  3. I am not using the Qobuz or Tidal apps on the Rose device. I use them both through Roon and am logged into them on Roon only.
  4. RoseRadio and RoseTube do not appear to have any issues. CD’s on the HiFi Rose disc transport play normally. I only have troubles with the RS250a when using it with Roon, as a Roon endpoint. All of my other Roon endpoints around the house (iPads, iPhones, KEF speakers, Bluesound Nodes, Marantz receiver) work normally with no issues.
  5. I do not feel comfortable providing usernames and passwords, though I don’t think that can possibly be an issue, as the issue only occurs with Roon and I am not logged into either service on the Rose device.
  6. The issue occurs when using any music in my Roon library, whether it is Tidal, Qobuz, or stored as file in my Roon server’s hard drive.

When I have the problem, the RS250a stops playing and displays “The selected queue is empty.”, even if had been playing and displaying album art moments before. This issue occurs at least once a day (twice a day, a couple of times) and can always (so far) be resolved by rebooting the RS250a. This problem just started happening in the last 3-4 weeks.


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Currently, we are creating an environment as similar to yours as possible and recreating the same symptoms as you, but the symptoms are not disappearing.

Disconnect your RS250a from the Roon core, reset the RS250a to factory settings, and then reconnect it to the Roon.
RS250a–>Settings–>System settings–>Factory reset