Sound Quality Is NOT Just About Bits & Bytes - here's why

I was hoping you’d sober up after the weekend, but guess not.

Yup. So it would be nice if you would have presented any facts rather than personal impressions. All I have seen from you is a lot of “if facts do not agree with me, screw the facts.”

You were saying something bout the Dutch calling things as they are, weren’t you? Well, what do you call people saying provably false things in exchange for money?

Just a couple messages ago you were claiming that ASR is factually wrong. So which is it?

Just shows that you haven’t actually read it. They quite explicitly say that they do not evaluate non-technical criteria.Outside of a few “Topping or bust” people who are laughed at on ASR itself, they are quite explicitly not saying that you have to either chase the highest SINAD number or ignore other critria.

Except that subjective observations are quite demonstrably worthless to anyone else. Might as well argue about what music we should be listening to.

Wrong again. Hard facts are just that – facts, and they are independent of emotion. And whether something really sounds different is a hard fact that can be measured. Sorry, but there is no magic there. How you perceive a given piece of music at a given time – that is totally dependent on emotions, mood, weather, and what not else, to far greater degree than some meaningless change in power cords or network cables.

That an audiophile network switch does not affect the sound (because… bits actually are just bits) is a hard fact that can be proven (and has been proven). That you believe that you can hear a difference is only a fact of your personal perception. It is not transferable to anyone without all the non-audio stimuli make you perceive it that way.

And… to absolutely no one’s surprise, @Bicycle talks out of his ass once again. Lots of people on ASR (starting with Amir himself) have significantly higher end systems than some cheesy Rose streamer that @Bicycle struggled to afford. Of course even the poorest ASR follower has a better system than he does, because assembling a system requires more brainpower than he could ever muster. But a lot of them have significantly more expensive ones as well.

Of course, figuring that out would require our village idiot to actually read something, and that is too much to ask.

Yet another brain-fart from @Bicycle . James Randi offered a whopping million dollars (not some Motel 6 lodging) to a cable company to prove that their cables do something. Not surprisingly, he kept the million.

Don’t post things that are completely above your comprehension.

Tell me you have no idea what coding is without telling me you have no idea what coding is…

This was a very long-winded way top say absolutely nothing.

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Why do so many people argue about the same things over and over again?

At the end of the day, sound quality is what YOU hear with your equipment in your room’s acoustics.

If something affects what you hear, you can decide for yourself whether to buy it or not.
Theoretical discussions remain theoretical unless it affects the sound YOU can hear.
Besides all the technical stuff, your personal hearing ability counts - nothing more, nothing less. And each of us hears different sound with the same equipment. And the size of the budget and personal preferences regarding music also have an influence, as do psychoacoustic things.

Trying to convince someone with your own opinion is not really useful. There are people who defend or justify their expensive or cheap purchases, others are looking for the holy grail. Unfortunately, there is no one right device for everyone for the reasons mentioned above.
Now sit back and enjoy music with your ears.


Totally agreed. Why bother to spend time chatting with those who argue with their theoretical views.

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I found your post. I gave you a :heart: (liked).

Thank you so much, it’s appreciated.

Because there should be a clear distinction between what affects one’s perception of sound (could be anything, even a power cord, an SFP module, or Sun being in Taurus) and what affects the actual sound (none of those things).

Your little coprophage lovefest is so cute!

Don’t stop them from holding the Dutch Rudder - it’s so cute :rofl:

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Ouch, I did not need to know what that is!

But a very apt comparison. We just need Hans to provide a play-by-play describing each veil lifted and dark getting darker as they go at it, with a sexy Dutch accent!

I thank God everyday I don’t have to read their idiotic, nonsensical trolling. BTW, Cisco SFP + with orange cable arrived today- even more sonic benefits over generic brands !

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Seems pretty obvious that Dumbcycle still reads every word of it :slight_smile:

But of course someone stupid enough to think that those Cisco SFPs are different from any others can’t resist checking how many times he has been identified as a moron today. Anything for attention.

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Of course, he wants to learn a lot from you.

Because the way bicycles are increasingly becoming one-way streets is not normal for a normal person.

Even the monkeys in the zoo have one more brain convolution than Dumbcycle…

Naah, he knows everything there is to know already! All of it is wrong, but he knows it!!

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LOL… :laughing: :clap:t2: :clap:t2: :clap:t2:


Hans Beekhuizen is a known shill which promotes woodoo magic in digital audio. He is selling overpiced digital cables and try to justify it. A null test in digital domain is what is scientifically valid.

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“Besides all the technical stuff, your personal hearing ability counts - nothing more, nothing less.”

I agree, just not this part. It’s not hearing ability but listening ability. It’s not about your ears but what’s in between. Your talent, interest, how well you’re trained, discriminating tiny differences with the hearing you’ve got. So its hearing x talent x training. When you’re lazy, not interested in music, but your hearing is super, you’re still not going to listen for a difference or hear it.

Did you know there actually is a music lover who is totally deaf? He uses a big balloon to listen. A classical conductor can discern every player in his orchestra. That has little to nothing to do with his ears. Beethoven was totally deaf when he composed the 9th.

Nobody is as blind as the one who does not want to see. Nobody is as unaware as the one who doesn’t care. No barrier as strong against learning as one who thinks he already knows all.

Look, I’m not going to defend him. But what you are doing is slandering someone who doesn’t even have a chance of defending himself. Without any proof.
You are lost for arguments so you just revert to ad hominems. The strategy of losers.

Also, it has nothing to do with the video I was referring to. Address the content, not who’s saying it.

I don’t want to spend my keyboard and my fingers about arguments from an Youtube reviewer. I do not know for any honest youtube reviever. This is very rare thing, few people will spend its own resources and time for free. It is all about marketing. So, it is not about him, it is about all of them. But I can recognise when someone talks honestly. The seventy plus years old wannabe golden ear is certanly not.

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You’re being intellectually dishonest.

You seem very invested in discrediting people without addressing the topic. If you say “I do not know of any honest YouTube reviewer” then I can deduce that either:

  • you don’t know much, or
  • you have serious trust issues
  • you have trouble capturing your thought into words

Either way your contribution doesn’t add much value or intellectual substance. Only negative emotions.

So, what is it that Sandu said that is not true, and give a substantiation of your answer so we can learn why.

If your fingers hurt, or your keyboard breaks, then please do not reply. Save yourself for better things. Like comprehensive reading. Have fun.


Well do not talk about negative emotions before calculating yourself in that equation. Yes, there are practically no honest youtube reviewers. They all work for the money, so they must opinion positively on the products they advertise and negatively to the competition of the product they advertise. That is the way reviews works. You have to engage all possible filters to get something from this reviews. For example, Amir is well known that his target population are budget devices buyers. So he talks and walks to convince you that a budget product is good enough for you and looking further is just waste of money.

On the other hand, Beekhuizen is targeting mid-fi and hi end buyers and he will try to convince that expensive digital cable is the right thing for you, despite this cable will make, in most cases, no difference. In some cases will do make a difference (except total foolery about switches and LAN cables), but he will not educate you what are exact cases. It is not in his interest. So, yes, there are no honest reviewers, all of them are paid advertizers. And there is nothing bad in saying the truth.

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Agreed, but you got my point.