Sound Quality Is NOT Just About Bits & Bytes - here's why

Mr. “I will not do a blind test, but trust me, I hear the difference” talks about intellectual dishonesty. That’s just comedy gold.

Guys just ignore this Burle guy. He’s just another troll with wiim components trying to provoke others and hijack threads.

Amir doesn’t actually own a hifi system , he just listen to beginner level and entry level equipment, he has no clue what a real hifi system sounds like. It’s a total joke. Like you, he has no scientific basis to conclude anything but his unscientific, laughable flawed testing that fails to control for even most obvious variables like system synergy , power delivery ,and room acoustics. Please go back to ASR. you’re insufferable troll. I’m putting you on Block from here.

This is definitely something psychiatrists should be taking care of, but @Bicycle isn’t just a pathological liar. He’s a spectacularly stupid pathological liar.


Well, you see @Burle, now you’re blocked from the spaghetti eaters too!

Welcome to the club :laughing: :rofl: :joy:


:smiley: :smiley:

I am grateful that he blocked me. Anyway had no intention to communicate with him any further…


:clap:t2: :clap:t2: :clap:t2: :+1:t2:
