Squeezelite Support


Are there any plans to add Squeezelite to the list of supported protocols? It’s continually developed and with a few plugins can provide most of the capabilities of something like Roon, but with better sound quality.



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There are currently no additional plans for Squeezelite, and adding will be difficult.
There are currently no additional plans for new apps

Thank you

Tried the AirPlay Bridge plugin instead?


I’ve only played around with it a little bit but my LMS sees the RS150B and seems to stream to it fine:

EDIT: Looks like will be lossy using Rose’s AirPlay implementation:

It’ll work from LMS with the UPnP/DLNA plugin too.

Thanks @Primus and @Tony22.

I’d thought about the LMS UPnP bridge but wasn’t sure how robust it would be, and whether it would have any effect on sound quality. I’ll give it a try.

I’ll be interested in your thought on the sound quality!

Current SQ impression is that

Internal player > LMS UPnP Bridge >> Roon.

There does seem to be an issue that the LMS/UPnP option seems to play well, but doesn’t update the screen on the iPad I’m using to control play.

Audirvana is looking promising if I can sort out a couple of foibles on my system