Try replying to posted questions and issues

If you have a site for user feedback and discussions shouldn’t a HiFi Rose employee monitor the site and respond when appropriate?

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I totally agree with Projectman, myself have sent Hifi Rose 2 emails regarding my problems to 2 different people and 0 response.
Come on Hifi Rose we need support here!!


I will return it the the seller as it is obvious HiFi Rose doesn’t care about these problems.


Please contact me about the issue you have.

LOL, how do I contact you? You have no support number/email here or on your website.

Click on his name and send him a message.


May I know why there is no sound when i set pre-out level on RS250?

I’ve increased the volume to near max on RS250 but still no sound at all.


Pre-out level setting is for the customers who wants to fix the output of RS250.

  • How did you organize audio system? Connected to USB DAC?
  • Can you show me your IN/OUT setting in RS250?
  • If you’re using OPTICAL/COAXIAL/USB OUT, maybe you can try the ‘Software Volume Control’ in the screenshot.

Hi Support,

I’m using RS250 as pre-amp and have already connected to my power amp who have a input sensitivity value of 2000mV.

I thought we can set the pre-in level in RS250 to optimise the sound quality based on the operator guide? See attached pictures for your reference.

Another issues that I face is the long loading database and syncing time for the albums stored in my SSD.

It’s been in this state for days and
a week. I’ve tried reload the database but still can’t resolve.

Pls refer screenshots for your reference on this issue.


I’m sorry about the scan issue.

  • It shouldn’t take a week, how many songs do you have in your SSD?
  • Did you cancel the scan and restart scan?
  • Do you know the model name of the SSD?
  • Can’t you see the files when you see here?
    RS250 > MUSIC > FOLDER > SSD > Music folder > …

Hi Support,

Hi Support,

I’ve not gotten answer for below issues.

I’m using RS250 as pre-amp and have already connected to my power amp who have a input sensitivity value of 2000mV.

I thought we can set the pre-in level in RS250 to optimise the sound quality based on the operator guide? See attached pictures for your reference


Touch the ‘Pre-out level setting’ and set it based on your audio system.

Hi Support,

I’ve already set the “Pre-out level” as 2000mV on RS250 and connected to my power amp but there’s no sound even though I’ve maxed out the volume


No sound only when you put Pre-Out level as “ON”?
What happens when you set it on OFF?

Yes, no sound when i set pre-out level to ON.

Got sound when I turn off. But RS250 service manual mentioned this RS250 pre-out level can be set to turn on to allow us to select the level so as to optimise the sound performance!

Hi Support,

Pls refer to my replies below and all the screenshots for your reference and advice.

  • It shouldn’t take a week, how many songs do you have in your SSD?

I’ve 17000 songs stored in my Crucial MX500 1TB SSD

  • Did you cancel the scan and restart scan?

Yes, I did but still the same issues. I’ve also tried to rescan database but still same issues.

  • Do you know the model name of the SSD?
    Crucial MX500

  • Can’t you see the files when you see here?
    RS250 > MUSIC > FOLDER > SSD > Music folder >

Yes, of course I can all the files here but the scanning and syncing is taking forever!

You can see the spinning status on the RS250 screen (left hand bottom corner) in the screenshots.



About the volume issue with pre-out level setting,

If you put RS250 volume 0 or mute and then set to 2000mV, you will hear no sound.

  1. Would you check if the volume before pre-out level setting was on zero or mute?
  2. When you set the preout level, you have to change volume on your amplifier. What is your amplifier volume set to?
  3. What’s your amplifier model?
  4. No volume even when you change the pre-out level value to 1000~1500mV?
  5. Please check the message

Hi Support,

May I know if we have any resolution for this serious issues regards to album database and long syncing time ? Thanks!

Hello, we’d like to see your problem more carefully. We need some personal information. I’ll contact to you by message.

Hi Support,

I’ve waited for a week plus to RS250 to complete recognising 17000 songs stored in my SSD! Wah, this is crazy!

I didn’t expect such poor performance and slowness just to rescan the database and syncing of info from my SSD !