Upgraded to the RS130 from the RS150b

Okay, I was skeptical that the RS130 would be an upgrade over the RS150b. I was wrong, it is a major upgrade. Now given I have been using an external DAC with my 150b for awhile now and I felt I reached the pinnacle with my setup. The onboard DAC of the 150b is great but I wanted some R2R flavor to compliment the RS150b so I purchased a external DAC.

Now with the combo of the RS130 and my external R2R DAC I have reached audio nirvana. I can’t explain it but the detail in the audio stream using Fiber with the RS130 is 2nd to none. I am sure the other upgraded “internals,” of the RS130 are contributing to the audio “upgrade,” as well. The soundstage is expansive and the details are crisp so much so I can hear the breath between vocal riffs on Amy Winehouse’s “Back to Black.” A truly enjoyable upgrade. I could hear the fingers plucking the strings on Pink Martini’s “A retrospective.” Details I either missed in the past or just did not hear but are front and center now.

Below is my setup / equipment so you can compare and contrast. The SFP modules I am using as well as the Corning fiber are considered to be the best audio grade setup out there and I agree.

My setup:

Finisar SFP 1G Single Mode SFP Modules (FTLF1318P3BTL) w/ Corning LC Duplex SM/LC Duplex (040402R5120002M)

Source: Hifi Rose RS130 (Roon/ Tidal & Qobuz) ➔ Holo Spring 3 KTE (DAC)
AMP: Ferrum OOR / Hypsos | Khozmo Passive Preamp | Hattor Audio Active Tube Line Stage
Headphone: Hifiman Susvara | Focal Clear OG | Oppo Pm-1 | UM Mest MKII | Shure se846 | 7Hz Timeless
Speakers: Output, by Barefoot “Frontier” Studio Monitors


Which connection are you using?
USB or HDMI (I2S) Hifi Rose RS130 ➔ Holo Spring 3 KTE

I am using i2s via standard HDMI cable.

Can you post a photo?

Duffer 5,

Really happy for you.
Congratulations on your purchase.
I know you must have had trepidations after the continuing RoseConnect software issues.
Let’s hope that at some point HiFi Rose will make its software the equal of its hardware which is excellent.
I’m another Lemming who will go over the cliff in another week when mine is delivered.


I look forward to hearing your feedback once your RS130 arrives.


I just have a Gustard R26 R2R Dac, not nearly as nice as yours.
I’ll let you know how mine sounds next week.
I also don’t have the optical connections yet.
Fingers crossed.



Congratulations on your purchase. And…
for another answer the $64,000 question so many of us are so curious about.
Nice Set-Up Too!

Listen in Good Health!


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I have the Gustard R26 as well. The Holo And Gustard are very comparable.

Thank you @J2ordan .

But i don’t see Holo.
In Holo you use pll on or off ?

I was doing an A/B test with my Gustard R26 via DDC to i2s for the Gustard vs direct i2s with the Holo st the time of this picture. That being said, direct i2s to i2s is the way to go in my system aka Holo. I am traveling at the moment but I will post another pic with the Holo. On a side note USB direct for both Gustard and Holo to the RS130 they sound almost identical. The Holo has the edge with direct i2s connection to the RS130.

I have PLL off due to sample rate variations and delays.

Holo work flawlessly in i2s without any trouble ?

I have spent last two days to compare the following three systems (RS130 is connected to sfp fiber for both Ethernet and USB3.0)

1: RS130, Gustard U18, Titan Helen (I2S), Gustard A26(I2S)

2: RS130, Playback Designs Merlot DAC (USB and RCA with or without Titan Helen)

3: RS130, Weiss 204 (USB) or Titan Helen (RCA)

I like system 3 the most. Weiss 204 DAC is a huge upgrade over other two DACs.

@R1PC Yes, no issues when I have PLL turned off. By the way I hear no audio difference with PLL on vs off. I am using Profile A on the RS130 which is the PS audio profile and Holo 0 profile which is also PS Audio. I have only had the Holo for two weeks so if an error happens I will let you know but for now all is good.

Glad to know you are liking the Rose 130. I got that too. I wanted to check in your view would the finished sfp module make a difference compared to any generic one? I got a simple one from Amazon.

I got a high end custom made i2s cable using occ silver and it improved sound fair bit compared to ugreen certified hdmi cable.

Yes to me the Fiber Cable and SFP modules I listed are the best for audio quality. I have tested (in my fiber media conversion kit) several SFP and these by far sound the best. I can’t explain why but they do. If you go to afterdark audio they offer the setup as a kit. More expensive than if you purchased on your own but there is. great explanation on why these modules are better than most. The two links below should help you with making a decision.

Thanks. I appreciate it. Will check it out.

Am I correct that you must use a DDC to go iIS on the 130?