Upgraded to the RS130 from the RS150b

No. Only if you DAC doesn’t have a compatible i2s profile. The Holo has a compatible i2s profile. So no DDC is needed.

I just ordered from Afterdark the Finisar SFP 1G Single Mode SFP Modules (FTLF1318P3BTL) w/ Corning LC Duplex SM/LC Duplex (040402R5120002M)
(Same as your.) They have some higher end models also but that is for 10 gbps speeds. I think the 1gbps is fine for me.

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Sorry, I should have specified that the IIS was to be used with the Gustard R26. Is the Gustard able to use the IIS without a DDC?


Nice. The RS 130 only takes 1gb modules. So you did the right thing.

I did the same.


You do need a DDC with the Gustard for i2s. If you use USB to USB then no DDC is needed.


Do you have a D2D converter? Which one do you like?


@StandardModel I do have a D2D converter. I use the Gustard U18 when I am using the Gustard R26 . The Gustard U18 in combination with the R26 gets me to 97% of the Holo Spring with direct i2s connection which would be the baseline at 100%.

@duffer5 I still have my RS150 (AKM) and recently upgraded my AMP to an Integrated from Soulution (model 330 INT) with its dedicated DAC Board.
Compares between the internal and external DAC, I found that the Bass is a bit thickened up with the internal DAC from the Rose itself. But maybe this is only related to the AKM DAC, and not with the ESS of the model B.
I was also planning to get a Holo Audio (or a Denafrips) - but instead invested all my money in this AMP, which is now a huge step up.
I’m not sure about getting a RS130, first due to price (I got my RS150 for a really good price back then), and second I started again with vinyl and simply love it.

But interesting to read.
Happy for you, that you reached a step up with another product of this not so professional Company irony-off

@aswiss Congrats on your setup. Nicely done. I know that AMP well and that is summit-fi for sure. I still really like the RS150 and I actually would have preferred the AKM chip vs the ESS chip but the AKM was no longer available.

The RS130 is exactly what I needed now since I purchased a separate DAC and preamp. In my audio journey I thought I wanted all in one (RS150) but I learned that I prefer to switch out components as my needs change thus the RS130, which to me is the biggest advantage of the RS130 you are not paying for something you won’t use like the internal DAC or the internal Preamp. I would not be surprised if Hifi Rose incorporates a blended device for the next generation of the RS150 to include several of the features from the RS130 into the new RS150 which will still include a onboard DAC and preamp.

For me the RS130 is my end game streamer thus the willingness to bite the bullet and upgrade. The feature set of the RS130 is very future forward and will satisfy my streaming needs for the longterm. Yes there are a plethora of software improvements that I hope are implemented but for now the hardware is exactly what I need now and into the future.

If I ever desire to go down the road of any component changes it will be AMP then DAC then Preamp, in that order. I can have fun in this hobby playing with those variables while the RS130 stays in place.

Congrats on your setup impressive to say the least.

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My friend also got the HIFI Rose 130 together with me and I heard his streamer with and without external OXCO clock. He got an external clock for $500 and connected his Rose 130.

The improvement in sound was significant - he connected using 50 ohms and the square wave (when he connect with normal wave the improvement was not much)
It is great that 130 has the ability to connect and external clock so user and attach an external clock. I also wonder why the diff is so big when the OCXO clock inside the rose is also quite good. Or is it that rose provide a basic clock and expects most user to eventually use their own external clocks allowing greater choice to users.

Now i also wonder if compared to the $500 clock as per the link should i go for Gustard which is about.3x the cost or something even better. Any user have any experience with external clock with rose 130?

Congrats too @duffer5
From a simple Streaming perspective with Roon - do you think the 130 is Superior to the RS150?

I use it with the external DAC Board in my Soulution and this sounds better to my ears.

Hello. At the moment I can not answer your question fully as it relates to Roon use. Even though the RS130 was initially marketed as Roon ready it is not. According to Hifi Rose the validation of the RS130 with Roon is pending and no completion date is available.

But I can say playing directly from the unit with an internal drive and using the rose app to access Tidal and other streaming apps the sound quality with my external DAC and the RS130 is significantly better.

The RS130 is the read deal and worth the cost. Now we just need it to work with Roon.

Hope this helps.

I have to say, The RS130 is a top notch streamer. If they can fix roon I will be very happy.

I am sure they will fix Roon. Just when is the question.

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@ duffer5 - many thanks for your recommendation. I finally got delivery of these products and i plugged it in. Instantly I can hear good improvement in sound and it is way superior to the regular fiber internet cable and Ethernet to fiber converter I bought from Amazon. With you suggestion you have added value to my set up :pray:

@Sk152 I am so pleased to read this. Glad in my small way I could help. I can not take all the credit there was a good amount of research done by others that determined what I recommended to be the best for audio reproduction. Enjoy the setup and thanks for providing an update.


i took your recommendation and the products arrived in due course. The converter was DOA. The seller asked me to check to see if I had the right power supply. After I proved that I was using the appropriate one, he is sending a new converter without requiring the return of the defective one. A really good seller.


That is odd you had a DOA converter. Sorry to hear that and sorry you have to wait a little bit longer to enjoy the FMC. Are you using the adapter that came with the RS130 in the meantime?

Yes. RJ 45 Dow converter adapter.
I was very pleased with the response to my problem.


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