Upgraded to the RS130 from the RS150b

Has everyone’s experience with the switch over from ethernet to optical been entirely positive? I’ve been playing around in my system (Fleetwood Deville SQs, McGary SA1E amp, Backert Labs Rhythm 1.3 preamp, Merason DAC1 mkii) and while the optical connection has more detail it also seems a little more etched (almost too much so). I need to play around more as I’m using an Ansuz internet switch that already cleans things up quite a bit and an AB Tech USB cable that also filters some noise out, but I may be getting too much of a good thing.

How much has it run in. Wait for a week hours and see it it changes. in my case immediately upon change it was clean and slightly bright but became smooth after a few days.

I ran it most of last week so at least 80 hours. I’m still tinkering, but would like to get rid of the “slightly bright” if I can.

Thanks, let me know when the Roon things are done. I’m still happy, and not sure if I want to go that way. I still have other goods (Amps) that need to be sold first - market is very bad.

I’m glad I read this entire tread.

Regarding the Afterdark link AfterDark. Project ClayX Constellation SFP 1G Module for Audiophile

This is a Cat copper to fiber optic converter, right?

If so, is your connection Router LAN port > Cat RJ45 cable > AfterDark Converter (Transceiver Module) > Fiber optic cable > (Transceiver Moduler) RS130.

If you used the above connection, was your Cat RJ45 Cable short & and your Fiber Optic cable long? This is what I was thinking of doing since Fiber Optic
cables are immune to EMI.

Let me know if the above is a good connection strategy. Also, since you now know a lot about the pros & cons, do you recommend I consider the other kit (ie, the kit wiyh “the SFP+ with I assume a better fiber optic cable” for greater improvement?

BTW, My system has top-of-the-line Totem Acoustic Element Medal V2 towers with the Element Wood V2 Center & two JL Audio f112v1 subwoofers. My equipment is Anthem’s top AVM 90 prepro with a Saber ESS9038PRO DAC, McIntosh MC 255 Power Amp, and more… I plan to buy the HiFi Rose RS130 in the next few months. I’m completing my research before buying.

@duffer Awaiting your respnse & wisdom.