Why Rose Hi-Fi is crap (and why it's pointless to expect any major software improvements)

You’ve already lost your money (and mine, too), so stop wasting your time asking 2 poor employees (ROSEHAN & ROSELEA ) for new features or improvements. They can’t do anything for you, and their only instructions are to stall (counting on you to give up) and make amends by using that characteristic asian tone of false benevolence and comprehesion, without ever answering your requests with any precision or providing any concrete (and legitimate) solutions.

For my part, I bought an RS250 4 days ago, and I’m surprised that some owners of this unit (or of any other product with the same software - i.e. the entire HiFi Rose catalog) are deluding themselves after so many months (or even years) of hoping for the slightest improvement in the user experience of these products. What did you get in return for your feedback and suggestions? The outright deletion of certain functions (podcasts, radios, even though these are still listed as integrated on the manufacturer’s website), the growing instability of the few remaining services (Qobuz, Tidal…), the vacuity of others (RoseTube? What a joke!).

The user experience, as provided by HiFi Rose, simply can’t evolve for 2 frontal reasons (and many more lateral ones):

  • Tragic undersizing of the hardware platform in computing terms

  • Inherent limitation of Android 7.1, which was not chosen for the sake of optimization (or resource conservation), contrary to the beliefs of certain fanatics (or more accurately: profiles incapable of imagining that they’d spend such a sum of money on a thing like this, cognitive dissonance - and a touch of Stockholm syndrome doing the rest of the indoctrination work). The reason for this totally obsolete ‘technical’ choice is much more down-to-earth: it was on this system that Citech built its digital signage and interactive totems solution, which was recycled to create the HiFi Rose brand. Yes, it’s recycling, and yes, it gives you a real idea of what you’re entitled to expect in terms of specific development.

But all is not lost. In 4 days, I’ve discovered many secrets about Rose HiFi equipment, in particular the existence of a more or less functional API that will have enabled me to create a replacement interface for Rose Connect ‘premium’, and to find a way of making this platform work more or less decently via Home Assistant :

If you’re interested in what I’ve discovered, let me know and I’ll be happy to send you the essential REST commands for remote control of a Rose player (and many other surprises…). If, on the other hand, my post provokes indignation and name-calling, then good luck with your acquisition, I don’t really have time to waste either. Incidentally, you should be aware that the reason for the growing dissatisfaction among HiFi Rose owners is mainly due to the arrival of EVERSOLO on the market, which has somewhat redefined what was reasonable to expect from a specialized audio platform developed under Android. That said, this new ‘benchmark’ is far from faultless (I briefly had a DMP-A6 Master Edition in my hands before the RS250).

Greetings to all


I’m interested. How did you do it?


The player listens for REST requests on port 9283. As HiFi Rose behaves like a great amateur, there are no restrictions/authentication to interact with the unit (there is a token, but it’s useless). Here are all the REST commands I’ve discovered. Simply replace the XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX with the player’s IP address after setting it on the router :

VU Meters

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/vu.mode.type.set”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“vu_mode”:0}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/vu.mode.type.set”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“vu_mode”:1}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/vu.mode.type.set”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“vu_mode”:2}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/vu.mode.type.set”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“vu_mode”:3}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/vu.mode.type.set”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“vu_mode”:4}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/vu.mode.type.set”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“vu_mode”:5}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/vu.mode.type.set”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“vu_mode”:6}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/vu.mode.type.set”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“vu_mode”:7}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/vu.mode.type.set”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“vu_mode”:8}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/vu.mode.type.set”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“vu_mode”:9}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/vu.mode.type.set”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“vu_mode”:10}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/vu.mode.type.set”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“vu_mode”:11}’


url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/input.mode.set”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“funcMode”:0}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/input.mode.set”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“funcMode”:1}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/input.mode.set”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“funcMode”:2}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/input.mode.set”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“funcMode”:130}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/input.mode.set”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“funcMode”:4}’


url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/internal.set”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“internalMode”:“0,1,0”,“isDacReset”:“false”}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/internal.set”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“internalMode”:“1,1,0”,“isDacReset”:“false”}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/output.mode.set”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“outputMode”:“1”}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/output.mode.set”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“outputMode”:“2”}’


url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/remote_bar_order”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“barControl”:“remote_bar_order.clock”}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/remote_bar_order”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“barControl”:“remote_bar_order.home”}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/remote_bar_order”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“barControl”:“remote_bar_order.back”}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/remote_bar_order”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“barControl”:“remote_bar_order.screen_onoff”}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/remote_bar_order”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“barControl”:“remote_bar_order.timer”}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/remote_bar_order”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“barControl”:“remote_bar_order_airplay_restart”,“value”:1}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/remote_bar_order”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“barControl”:“remote_bar_order_airplay_restart”,“value”:0}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/remote_bar_order”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“barControl”:“remote_bar_order_dlna_restart”,“value”:1}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/remote_bar_order”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“barControl”:“remote_bar_order_dlna_restart”,“value”:0}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/cd.out”
method: POST


url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/remote_bar_order”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“barControl”:“remote_bar_order.reboot”}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/remote_bar_order”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“barControl”:“remote_bar_order.power_onoff”}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/remote_bar_order”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“barControl”:“remote_bar_order_sleep_on_off”}’

url: “hxxp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9283/display_value_set”
method: POST
payload: ‘{“brightness”:0}’

I am interested as well. Intriguing @DG3IL5 .

Hey guys! Did you know that you can access to the root directory of your ‘hi-end’ player, and even download the apk of RoseTube, Radio, RoseQobuz and so on?


The only one protected against downloading (for the time being) and copying the latest firmware update in .zip format.

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And here is the Android app that forms the heart of our beloved high-end audio streamer, so praised by objective and incorruptible Youtubers:

Yes, it’s a copy of the original APK. Yes, it’s from 2016 (the release year of… Android 7, aka “Nougat”), and yes it’s classified as “unreleased” by publisher Rose Ware… who has nonetheless cleverly recycled it.

Need proof? Type this url in your favorite browser, replacing the xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx by the ip address of your Rose player (whatever it is)



Do you think there’s enough control here to be able to replace the Rose app entirely? Something like a LMS open source effort?

So, what does all of this prove, other than that a) Rose software is not the best, b) you know jacksh*t about Android, system limitations, or anything above and beyond running script kiddie hax0rz tools, and c) that if you do not do your homework before purchasing an expensive piece of equipment, that’s really your problem if it does not do something you want to do?

Not really. All the control functions and settings (there aren’t that many) can be operated from a third-party interface :

but as far as database operation is concerned, it’s a lost cause. Their proprietary player is so badly designed, their database read/write mechanisms so archaic (not even incremental, it’s crazy), their use of third-party APIs so approximate… In my opinion, the only use that can be made of this player is the following:

  • Disable all internal functions, AirPlay (which in any case is not stable and still at standard 1.0), UPnP (unless you want to use Audirvana, which is an alternative to Roon).

  • Uninstall all optional (and non-functional) apps: RoseTube, Qobuz, radio and so on… The bare minimum

  • Delete all internally-managed databases and network shares, with the exception of one share on the internal SSD if you’re using SACD ISOs (which are not managed by ROON). Surprisingly, SACD playback, using the software player for the optional RSA780 CD player, is quite stable and qualitative (if no other process is running in the background).

  • Use this device as a Roon pure player, which will be essential in the long term anyway, as Rose will never update its operating system, and third-party APIs will eventually break definitively on their Android 7.1 system (we can already see the beginnings of this on Qobuz and Tidal). By then, Rose will certainly have filed for bankruptcy anyway.

  • Use the FTP service for file transfers to the internal SSD. It’s not flamboyant (100mb/s), but it’s still better and more stable than their implementation of the SMB protocol. Be careful, though: don’t transfer files during playback, or you’ll experience random sound cuts, and the needles of the vumeters will freeze for lack of resources (and to think that the platform is claimed to be 4K-compatible, but can’t play a 44.1 FLAC file smoothly with a library transfer or scan in the background. Pathetic!). Moreover, one wonders whether the SMB transfer rate has not been deliberately limited by the manufacturer so that the lack of hardware resources doesn’t come to light, which could explain the time needed to scan network directories.

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You mean listening to music in good condition on an 2500€ streamer? Regarding my homework : All the reviews on this player are rave reviews. So how do you rate a product without trying it yourself?

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Umm, yes. It works perfectly fine as a Roon endpoint. And looks better than most. EverSolo sort of comes close, but has smaller screen (and the company engages in some questionable tricks). It works as a DLNA endpoint. It’s usable as a Qobuz player (I suppose others, too, but I don’t use them).

Somehow my music is being played in a good condition, with as good a quality as you’d expect from a Sabre-based DAC. In general, people who have a problem getting it to work are the same people who buy audiophile fuses, want to use I2S connectors, and don’t read release notes…

It sucks as a media manager. A $200 Bluesound speaker scans much faster. Well, bummer, If you bought it for that, again, it’s your homework you didn’t do.

BS. It can play high-rez files and scan the database just fine. Maybe your network sucks?

You are saying you’ve bought it 4 days ago, not when the only reviews were from YouTube clowns who will give a glowing review to anything as long as manufacturer sends it to them to pay with for free. If anything, you could have googled this forum. Somehow I managed to find it before buying my 250 and that was a year ago when it was relatively new. Actually, a good idea to do with any piece of equipment (or software) rather than relying on some collective Hans Darko who will praise a pile of turds as long as it is expensive enough and buys ads on his channel.

Also, I am still waiting for any “software expert” here to name a single limitation of Android 7 as it relates to a closed system like Rose. Maybe you can point at some? Probably not though, as there is currently absolutely nothing in either Tidal’s or Qobuz’s APIs that you can’t do in 7. Or even a lower version. Very unlikely to be as well. Other than the whole “decrypt and decode the stream in real time” thing you need something reasonably fast for, it is all doable on a Commodore 64.

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I bought a stand-alone streamer, not a DAC with Roon Endpoint. I guess life has taught you to be satisfied with the minimum.

Sucks to be you.

Life taught me to research things before buying, and get things that do what I want them to do. You should try it one day.

Seeing as there still are no examples of any deficiencies of Android 7 with a custom audio stack for streaming any existing music, you will not, because you are talking out of your rear end and have no idea what you are talking about. And since Eversolo didn’t work out for you either (“Master edition” at that, LOL) apparently you are not going to learn either.

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Relax Boris. I know you’re sorely lacking in self-confidence, to the point where you find it necessary to overplay your condescension and self-assurance (it’s palpable in every one of your posts), but for the moment it’s well and truly who’s talking your head off without bringing anything tangible to the debate. Go and develop a player using the Qobuz and Tidal APIs on Commodore 64, that’ll relax you. And after that, you can tackle the ZX Spectrum and Amstrad CPC 6128 versions.

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That projecting is pretty pathetic…

And I could. You… you don’t even know what an API is, and it shows.

Maybe you should go watch some more reviews instead; you’ll find more products to return.

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Oh, so it’s not a REST API I’m currently using? But what is it then? Enlighten us with your knowledge, so often evoked but never proven. On the other hand, one thing you have successfully proven is that you’re a shitty little troll who, without even reading other people’s posts, comments for the sheer pleasure of provoking. You talk about closed systems and proprietary audio stacks. I was already unaware that Android, in the version operated by Rose, could be considered a true Embedded system (what you call “closed”). I also didn’t know that a system based on the exploitation of third-party APIs could also still be considered “closed”. Just as I don’t know how the supposed custom audio engine (i.e., presumably the exploitation of audio policies to make the little vu-meters move while maintening the bit perfectness of the main output) has anything to do with the inevitable obsolescence I mentioned earlier.

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You’re using a computer now, too, but have no clue how it works…

If you post nonsense, it will be pointed out. So far, all you have proven is that you can’t even find a music player that works for you, as if it were difficult.

Wow, what a surprise. You didn’t understand a word I said.

Tell me you know jacksht about software without telling me you know jacksht about software.

You presume too much, without knowing anything about the subject. Go learn something about the Android audio subsystem, and why you need a custom one to support high resolution audio and DSD, then get back to us. Ain’t got nothing to do with VU-meters .

And I am still waiting for any examples of APIs that Rose needs that are not supported by Android 7. But then you would not even be able to tell what was added in later releases, and why a support for interactive notification shades, or Carrier WiFi is so necessary for a music streamer…

We get this kind of ignoramuses here every other week, bleating something about Android versions, APIs, obsolescence and all that. Just like you none of them had ever managed to point out anything that is actually obsolete, but every clown who does not know API from I2S considers himself an expert because they saw a review of something or another on the intertubes.

If you can pull the Rose database structure from the box, that would be entertaining. I would want to see what kind of monstrosity is in it to make it so slow. But that would require actual expertise, so I am not holding my breath.

Don’t waste your time with that Boris guy - he’s paid by ROSE as he attacks anybody who is critical of these amateurs!!

Did you drink a whole bottle of vinegar before writing this up? Or did you empty an entire crate of anti_freeze? Negativity is oozing off the screen.

Get a life instead of shitting on other people’s party.

It’s always the people who never had an original idea, made a product and sustained a business that made a living for himself that have the most bitter comments. Envie is for losers. Making compromises is the art of engineering.

Life is not about impersonating a hero behind a keyboard. Life is about making things work, enjoying the rewards and loving your friends and family and the One who created you. You don’t see me complaining to God about all the s#itty people I meet. You eat the meat and spit out the bones.


Do you enjoy showing the world that you are not very bright?

To put this thing in context though…

Why Rose Hi-Fi is crap (and why it’s pointless to expect any major software improvements)

While there may or may not be improvements, nothing written by the OP proves anything one way or another.

250 has been out for well over a year. Buying one “4 days ago” and being surprised with what does and does not work right is a sign of cluelessness.

Seriously? Both are still very much available in the latest version. Maybe someone isn’t bright enough to read release notes?

BS. Hardware is comparable to all other streamers with simnilar functionality.

There are none, for music streamer purposes. It’s a common refrain from clueless internet know-it-alls to look at their phone, see that it has a later version, and assume that it needed for a music player. Not a single one of them, of course, either knows what an API or SDK is, nor can point at anything that is actually limited, for Rose’s purposes, or is likely to become limited in the next several years.

Nothing secret here that one didn’t find a year ago by running a port scanner. And all of these are good thing. Rose can be integrated into any home control system quite easily, if one is so inclined. Looks like a positive to me.

Yup. Someone who is incapable of doing some basic research before purchasing a product, but keeps running through them and then bitches about things because he did not buy what’s right for him.

If you believe YouTube reviewers, that’s on you.

In real world (rather than in the fantasy land of people with no experience developing anything at all in their entire life) that’s exactly how competent organizations do things. There is an existing system for controlling the display part, that has been tested in industrial setting for years. Of course anyone sane will use tht rather than rewriting the same thing.

Of course Airplay is at 1.0, it has been reverse engineered. Airplay 2 you can only get from Apple.

There is no need to disable any of those though, unit works the same regardless.

You could, but they work, and if oyu are not using them they do not affect anything.

No we don’t. If there were those mythical limitations currently, someone would have pointed them out. A quick check with Tidal and Qobuz shows that even an older version of Android would have been fine.

Just because you can’t set up a network does not mean that the platform is limited. RS250 can do this, even with a DXD file, perfectly fine and with no hiccups.

So there we have it, a whole lot of FUD and conjectures not backed up by either facts or basic understanding of software. Maybe instead of bitching online you should pay someone to run a working home network for you. Explains why DMP-A6 did not work out either.