Would You recommend the RS130?

Knowing what you know now, with buggy software etc. Would you recommend this streamer to someone looking for a streamer in this price range?

100% yes - love my one :+1::+1:

Yes because it’s a very Nice and good sounding device, but i’m looking for more reactivity from Rose for my USB issue (the RS130 doesn’t reconize my dac by USB while my RS250 does perfecty).
Still waiting for an answer…

If they like the sound quality enough to get past the bugs, yes. In my case, I answered “yes”.

Have any of you used the I2S out from the Rose into a DAC? How did that work for you?

Please refer to this thread: https://community.roseaudio.kr/t/rs130-not-roon-ready

Yes I use I2S between my 130 and PS Audio Directstream. Works perfectly, no issues at all.

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no, wouldn’t recommend it. too buggy.

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If sound quality is first for you, then I can recommend without restriction. If you like build quality, huge touch screen and tons of connection / upgrade possibilities then add some bonus points. Rosetube is also a very unique feature and works very well. On the negative side are quirky and buggy software. Most painful are the not competitive scan times for your music library (many hours, also for rescan, which can also have endless duration). You can get rid of all of that software problems by using ROON. Yes, the RS130 is working perfectly as a ROON endpoint. Also mentioned should be the improveable customer service in this forum by Rose staff, I got never a useful answer for my questions (but they are responsive, if not allways and with delay).

For more information read this thread

I was also dubious about keep the RS130, but I will keep. I use mainly ROON, but in the meantime I get also used to the Rose Connect app.

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I wish I could say yes but I can’t. As a video streamer it is very disappointing and unacceptably buggy and limited. It never fails to fail in some fashion, literally.
As an audio device it is extremely good but highest quality is through the USB with fewest problems, but in that vein there are other machines of similar quality and better features for ripping and file transefer and playlists etc which I will not name here.
On the other hand I am sticking with it hoping for further improvements and refinements but since the unique thing was supposed to be the video aspect which is why I bought mine, it is disappointing

After my bad experience with the swiss distributor (to get a new Remote) - I’m keeping my RS150 and do not plan anymore to upgrade to the RS130 (or any other Hifi Rose). (they refused to help as its a device from Germany, not from switzerland).
With Roon - it is OK, it works - and for the rest of the Apps - I don’t use any of them anymore. So its a very good looking and sounding Roon End-Point with additional features that are simply useless for me.

I didn’t need to recommend the RS130 to my friend. I just brought mine to his house, let him use it with the Rose Connect app and compare to his Innuos Zen and he has been looking for a used or open box RS130 ever since.

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So to him the Rose Rs130 is better as Innuous Zen (which model?). Is it soundwise or because of functionality/ App or both?

I guess people who compare a server with a streamer are exactly the target audience for a stand-alone streamers without even a DAC costing thousands of dollars. Also for I2S connections, linear power supplies, and audiophile ethernet switches…

He liked it better because of the sound. He liked the screen but that was just a bonus.
Innuos Zen MKIII running Innuos Sense.

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I am seriously considering the RS130. I’d be interested to learn your assessment of “other machines of similar quality and better features for ripping and file transefer and playlists etc”. I would have private messaged you on this subject but am new to this community and couldn’t see a way to send a private message. Thank you.

The easiest way for ripping is: using a PC.
Data stored on a NAS gives full access from any device.
The best way to manage your library: ROON.

Everything else is just a waste of time - specially with ripping.
that’s the way I see it, and based on my experience - it’s not against Rose per se.
And I tried a lot of other solutions. I would never again buy a Streamer to rip CDs.

To send personal messages - simply press the name of the user - on the top it will show a box MESSAGE


Thanks for your response.

I guess I am not clear on my intentions. Yes, I will want to establish some methodology for ripping. I used to use Exact Audio Copy on my pc tower. Now my new tower has no CD/Bluray drive. I could just buy a cheap ‘ripper’ drive and USB connect it to the tower.

Though I’d like to upgrade my DAC situation, I am waiting to save up for that. For now, I can use the card in my Viola Crescendo, or my friend’s borrowed Hilo Lynx. I don’t have a USB card in the Hilo, only their Thunderbolt card I used for connecting via fiber my 4TB mirrored NAS and a Mac mini running Channel D Pure vinyl.

I currently play files through the Hilo off the NAS and also record vinyl to unprocessed flat files on which I apply whatever eq curve I want via the PV software. Works really well, by the way.

So now to streaming. Because of the sonics, the RS130 attracted my attention. I don’t want the RS250 because I don’t need another DAC. I see users having success using mConnect with the RS130 which I prefer over ROON for sonics.

Your advice? (thanks again)

250 costs quite a bit less than 130, and will provide an identical digital output over USB (or S/PDIF if you’re so inclined) as 130. I think it is silly to pay more and get less, as 250 allows you to use the internal DAC (quite good) if you want to, for less money.

For ripping bthough, just use a computer. Sure, you can rip with Rose (or a bunch of other streamers as well) but it will never be as good an experience as using… well, not so much any special hardware; all that is needed is a $20 CD reader (maybe a bit more expensive one if you really need to rip very scratched disks), and something that runs a good ripping program like EAC or dbPowerAmp that can check against Accurip databases, pull in correct metadata, and lets you edit it with a real keyboard…

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