Connection Failed

Can you please explain all the procedure?


Sure. Delete the older app. Download the new one. At some point it will ask for the IP of your Rose. Enter it. At that point, shut down the app with an upward swipe which will force the settings to be flushed from memory. Should work after that. Fingers crossed. It may be that the app will revert to its old bad habits, but so far, so good. hope this helps.

Thanks a lot.


Did it work for you?

I’ve deleted old App, then I’ve installed the new one and the problem has Not been solved.

I have iPhone 11 Pro Max and iPad Pro.

After the whole process the new installed app again cannot find the device.
I made also a factory reset and again everything from beginning and now it is connected.
Now i can play everything trough the app but every 5 seconds is flashing the device cannot be find.

I am using iphone 11 pro max.

Unfortunately this need to be fixed from HiFi Rose.

Anyhow thanks a lot for the help and have a nice day.



Mine has reverted back to not working so my fix is not permanent. Damn. As I said, crappy software.

Still not working after update…iphone12. Please correct asap. Deleted app and reinstalled half a dozen times. So that doesn’t work for me.

i just updated the app on my iphone 13 mini but unfortunately the problem remained😞

Update seems to be working on my iPhone 13 max but not working on iPad 2020 :man_shrugging:t3:

New update seems to work fine again on iPhone 11 Pro Max.


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We apologize for the fact that a serious problem occurred and we inevitably had to proceed with an emergency patch over the weekend.

RoseConnectPremium for iOS 4.05.44 Deployment Guide

  • Update date: 2022/09/04 (Sat)
  • Updated version: Ver 4.05.44
  • Applicable models: RS150(B)/RS201/RS250

[Update content]

  1. Fix for device not being detected
  2. Fixed the phenomenon of continuous pop-up window occurrence

Thank you

For those who has the same connection issue even after update 4.05.44, please upload this screenshot.

ok looking good now , might still need years of therapy thou

Appreciate the fix. How about fixing VU meters while Roon is playing? You can do it on the front panel, but not from the IOS app.

Please help me to settle this issue, im hifirose user from malaysia, the issue has not been resolved , i’ve been receiving same pop out every single minute.

Hello @kenix1220

By not seeing the ⓘ icon to the right of Current Device, your RoseConnectPremium app is out of date. Please update the RoseConnectPremium app to the latest version from your mobile phone app store.

Thank you

Which version is the most updated one? I deleted the apps and downloaded it from Apps Store, but the problem still there! How can I fix it please? It’s so annoying.


We apologize for any inconvenience during use.
Currently your RoseConnect app is latest version.
Can you check and try a few?

  1. Is your phone an Android or an iPhone?
  2. Look at the two pictures below. If you look at the two IPs marked in red, only the numbers after the last dot are different, and the rest are the same, meaning they are connected to the same IP.

Give it a try, and if there are any problems, please reply.

Thank you

The numbers are the same, but the after I connected for few seconds, there’s a pop up box showing Search Device.

I’m using iPhone