HIFI Rose merely a hobby brand or a serious business, that is the question?

LOL. Comes from someone who demonstrably has no clue (“Digital processing, not the signal (1’s and 0’s) is very sensitive to noise. Clocks processors etc. all of them.” :laughing: ) but loves to post provably false stuff…

still waiting… Show the proof, that clocks, Dacs and their components do not suffer from noise introduced on the line? I have seen others prove that it does, please debunk them.

Yeah, yeah, prove me a negative. That’s not how it works.

And some DACs are affected by some noise on the signal input. Now, show a proof, either a DBT or measurements showing difference above audibility, that external clocks, fiber, LPS, etc. make any difference. Or that someone really did hear differences between any well-measuring DACs. Hans and Darko blathering about blacker blacks and lifted veils in whatever new thing they got for free does not count.

I’ll wait.

Oh, and any explanation how noise affects digital processing (0s and 1s coming in, 0s and 1s coming out).

Ah so you don’t have to prove your side but doubt anything on the other side

I pointed to my proof and your reply was to insult them and anyone that does not agree with. Arguing with you is like wrestling a pig. All you get is muddy and the pig loves mud. Done

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Have you stopped beating your wife? Have you? Yes or no?

Sorry, I have no interest in engaging in logical fallacies.

You’ve made some claims that just betray total lack of understanding how things work. Arguing with someone who says that digital processing is affected by noise (well, below the point where components are working outside of spec and bits start to get flipped) is like arguing with someone saying that the Earth is flat because they see it from the window.

Appealing to “authority” of some paid for reviewer isn’t providing a proof, it’s just showing that you can’t chose reliable sources.

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Looks like you are enjoying yourself.

I’d rather listen to some music, but to each his own.

Like most threads here you don’t follow. That’s fine the rest of us got it right.

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LoL… :joy: :rofl: :sweat_smile: :clap:t2:


Boris, he already understood, the man is not stupid!!!

He countered again in the classic way.

Yeah looks like you got the mud part just fine. Digital audio not so much, but it’s OK, someone needs to be buying ethernet cleaners and keeping crooks employed.

This is a quote from Hans video about ethernet cables and switches. I do not know to laugh or to cry. Guy has declared 100.000 followers (but I think 90% are bots), it has bots writing acclamed comments and does not allow any critic comment (all coments are filtered, like many flat earth channels). He is professional salesman… You can see from miles that it is a fraud.

The question:

“Should buffering not solve the jitter issue that you mention? If I disconnect my player from the network it continues playing till buffer is empty and there is no jitter influence anymore”.

The answer:

"If jitter on incoming signal was a problem, buffering might help. But in contrast what I believed in the past this is not the case. And buffering as such could introduce additional jitter if electronic design is not done extremely good. For instance: if power rail feeding the buffer is not 100% stable and fast the power burb a state change causes, wil temporary lower the voltage and thus influence the treshold which lead to timing errors. The samo goes for flip-flops that are also used in digital equipment. This is quite common in mid class DACs and streamers. So even if the incoming digital signal would be optimal, jitter on the DAC chip might occur due to circuit limitations. The problem with buffers is that they are prone to the same phenomena as flip-flops and DAC chips. As soon as digital signal is in the isochronous domain, jitter introduced there can only be “reapaired” with high quality components used in very clever circuits. All the effect I mentioned before have their influence. Please read “Understanding how pertubations can affect sound quality without changing bits and how these issues are addressed by the Uptone EtherRegen”


Good grief!

I wonder if he actually believes it himself (not that it made any sense) or just strings some random words together, then laughs all the way to the bank…

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The competition shows its fangs!
Matrix Audio unveiling three innovative products: two Digital Audio Transports Nt-1 and TT-1, and an Audio Grade Reference Clock SC-1.
Matrix Audio NT-1 Matrix Audio SC-1 Matrix Audio TT-1


Tidal Connect is also available.

Not bad, not bad…

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May have to try one of these. I was eyeing the 151 but since I have added a Laiv DAC, don’t need an integrated solution. I did have the 150 and RS520. Currently using an ES DMP-A8 and connecting via I2S to the Laiv has really stepped up my listening enjoyment.