Network Switch with SFP and external clock

Hey, linear power supplies offer great advantages to manufacturers – they are significantly cheaper and easier to make than proper switching ones, and can be sold to clueless audiophools at incredible margins.

To the end-user, of course, yeah, there’s no benefit at all.

…and new Reiki Audio ethernet cable

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This is just design. No practical purpose. There is no audio in Ethernet, just data. But I really wonder why are seven leads in the cable. If there were eight - it will defeat main purpose - CAT cable must have twisted pairs. Btw, which CAT standard is this, majbe CAT10? :smiley: Ridiculous :slight_smile:

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Obviously there are 7 leads because it is a CAT7 cable!!! :roll_eyes: :laughing: :roll_eyes:

There are “specifications”. In four leads are twisted pairs plus ground wire. The rest are silicon tubes “filled with air” between every lead. This suppose to be CAT8 (!!!) :smiley: A meter (or 1,5 or two) of this costs 3.250 pounds! Ok, if someone has really too much money it could be a nice toy, but i wonder how many this cables are really produced.

A network switch can make an impact on sound , and the $100.00 optical switch is used by many audiophiles including myself, but I also have a Matrix SS1 Pro that made an immediate and incredible difference in lowering the noise floor.

I also have a Gustard 18 Pro - and the combination of all my additions have created an incredibly silent noise floor from having loud clicking, popping, and white noise . So at least in my systems, every addition I’ve made had a measurable difference. Even power cords change frequency. But ASR people use headphone equipment rather than real world empirical data to make conclusions because they cannot access real audiophile equipment to test their imaginations. For me personally, I actually purchase the product and test in the real world before pretending I understand everything about auditory cognition and related equipment, an entire field that humanity has barely scratched the surface .

Also I connect my dac, streamer, and network switch, to esoteric master clock and the timing, pinpoint imaging, was absolutely unbelievable. I actually own the products and test my theories .


The facts that you own some esoteric product does not save you from a simple observation bias. THere is only one valid method - a double blind test. Actually, there is a bet on internet that if someone can tell in 8 from 10 times which cable or switch is connected between the two you can win 100.000€.

But there is a simple way to prove it. You just need to disconnect a ethernet cable from the streamer and let it play music from the buffer. If you hear a difference then you can actually make an improvment with better cable / switch / optics. If there is no difference in sound then cable /switch can make no difference too. Simple logic.

With a clock you have to be careful. An external audio clock can make a difference in the sound, but most probably - to worse. Reason is simple - intristic jitter in the cable you use for transporting clock signal. It is always the best for the clock to be as close as possible to the DAC chip. External clocks are important if you have multiple audio digital devices which needs to be synchronised. Word clock is the worst solution. 256x superclock is much better, but you need a special equipement for that (I do not think is used in consumer products) and you have a 10 Mhz clock which has a problem that you have to derive two frequencies (44.1 and 48 kHz and its multiplies) from base frequency. And it is much harder to archieve precision from 10 MHz external clock then from internal clock. You have very good explanation for that in review Gustard X26 on Goldensound.

It is not the goal of reaching the best sound in spending insane amounts of money blindly on products which have different purpose than intended. Good system has to be balanced and purposefull.

And please, do not ask me if I own the products you mentioned. I do work in the audio industry and have access to all kinds of exotic audio products. I have worked a lot in evaluating sound from that kind of products for last 30 years.


If you don’t own the products, please go away and enjoy your wiim streamer. When you can afford better product and have real world experience, you can join adult discussion.

You better send them the prize money . 8 out of 10 blind test

Again. If I do not have the products you metioned this has nothing with the fact that I WORK 8 hours every day with much more exotic products you will never own. And mentioning Wiim does not help you with that. Why do you think I write on this forum? As far as I know, this is not an Wiim forum.

But most funny is that you mix speaker wires with network cables. It shows that you do not have any clue about audio at all. If you did not know - speaker wires are transporting high voltage low frequency analog signal. Network cable is transmitting low voltage high frequency digitally modulated signal. They have nothing to do with each other. Network cable is not transmitting the sound, just data. And if you think that it can have influence on data, then you will read a lot of wrong letters in our conversations. But you don’t, so, network cable can make no difference.


I didn’t mix anything, you said “cable” so I show you the test for cable . Why you change now ?

You don’t own any audiophile equipment so please give it a rest. It’s old .

Unfortunately for you - you do not own any knowledge about audio, so you are disqualified from the discussion. This is a thing money can not buy.

I mention specifically network cables but you are not even able to read if it is not mentioned literally.

So, collect or loose 100.000€ if you can hear difference between different switches or network cables and come again to discuss. Until then you are just a kid of rich parents who doe not have a clue about audio or life in general. EOD.

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When you purchase and try, you are welcome to come back and share your experience. Otherwise, nobody interested in your imaginary theories.

Poor kid, now you think that you are nobody. You can not buy practical knowledge, I can see that it is bothering you… Well, that is the real world kid, you will se when you grow up… Please do not communicate with me anymore…


If you can’t understand that you must own and try an audiophile product to understand its performance and features, what more can I say? Your imaginary speculation of performance benefits is like a teenager explaining to a race car driver why a Mercedes is better than Porsche. You might have some interesting theories, but the person own and drive both cars will have superior knowledge, experience, and insights compared to you. So you should recognize this knowledge difference and not tell owners how to think, but rather you should learn from them.

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I do not see relationship between “own” and “try”. Can you explain better please? In your analogy I am the race driver who drives a Porsche 8 hours a day, while you own a Mercedes and drive it only on dry weather weekend. In order to drive your Mercedes you only need to have money to own. For me, in order to do my job I need to have extraordinary skills, knowledge and expirience.

So, do not talk bullshit to unknown people. I gave you arguments, you need to answer on arguments, not insulting people around. .


When others say, jump into the water, you immediately join in.

:clap:t2: :clap:t2: :clap:t2: :+1:t2: :+1:t2: :+1:t2:

:rofl: :laughing: :joy:

That’s exactly how it is. :+1:t2:

The child’s bike (with training wheels) ruins his daddy’s whole facility!!!

If daddy finds out, the fun is over. Then he gets a slap on the bottom and then he’s off to the garden to weed.

Yes, I do, and I also speak for others in this forum.

Let Dad come home, my friend…


Heh, trying to get a brain-dead audiophool zombie to use logic!