Playing AAC instead of FLAC in Tidal

Spüren Sie dabei eine Veränderung in der Qualität des abgespielten Klangs? Oder handelt es sich lediglich um eine falsche Anzeige des Wiedergabeformats? LG

To be honest, I “think” I do. I dont know how to analyse whther this is only a wrong label, or a wrong file. I guess thats up to Rose to figure out. I this case it could be my mind is playing tricks on me, but then again it always needs to be solved. Perception is also a bad thing …

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Please answer a few questions.

  1. At Tidal
    The problem of AAC sound quality playing when playing Flac music can be resolved by logging out of your Tidal account and logging in again.
    Still, does Flac sound source still play in AAC sound quality? If it works normally at first after logging in again, but at some point it starts playing in AAC sound quality, please let me know how long or how often that happens.

  2. If you use Tidal caching, clear cache as follows.
    Tidal–>Settings–>Cache memory size–>clear cashe

  3. Please tell us the model name of the Rose device you use.

  4. Are you using a Rose device connected to a Bluetooth remote control?

  5. Please tell us your Rose ID.
    Rose device–>Settings–>System info–>Rose ID

  6. Lastly, when playing a Flac sound source on Tidal, the moment it is played in AAC sound quality, stop using it and follow the method below.
    Rose device–>Settings–>system settings–>Remote debug
    Do not power off your Rose device after pressing Remote Debug. But it’s okay to leave it in standby mode.

As a result of our confirmation, this symptom appears from people using the PC RoseConnect app.
We will fix this issue as soon as possible.

1: how often ? At least 2 or 3 times a week. how long : until I’m logged ou of Tidal and logged in again
2: Tidal caching : not using I suppose. That setting is not available in windows application, nor in ios app ?

referring to this, once the app plays AAC it keeps playing AAC until logging out. It never changes back out of its own to flac. I play random playlists, so a song from cahe would be very coincidental …
3: RS 520
4: 0D16CD
5: I will

Why is this still an issue? This is basic functionality and the issue persists. Is there an update. Is Rose aware of this ongoing issue?


I have forwarded this to the PC RoseConnect app development staff.
He said he would definitely fix the issue and distribute it in the next update.

Same problem here …
Very annoying.

Hopefully it will be fixed soon

This is not just a PC RoseConnect issue. Happens with IOS, Android and Mac Connect. @ROSEHAN


We are aware of this too. The tokens associated with PC, iOS, and Android have expired.