Rose RS 130 HDMI video and audio

I was wondering whether there is something wrong with my settings because my rose only outputs video signal through the HDMI while watching RoseTube. The sound comes through the USB to my DAC. Is there a way to send both audio and video through the HDMI so that I could you my AV receiver to output both. If so, how?

Video via HDMI and audio via USB or whatever audio output is selected to listen to music (AES, COAX, etc.) is normal and how my RS130 works so nothing wrong with yours. I don’t believe there is a way to get audio over HDMI with the RS130.

Ok, then I understand. I just wonder what the passthrough option is there for. Normally, that should pass the signal as is to the receiver, including audio.

I tested it again by selecting HDMI as the sole output source. The Rose is connected to a NAD AV receiver and the NAD does not show that it is outputting anything else than a video signal. According to the manual and the Rose app, by selecting passthrough, it should output audio as well but this is not the case. Sebrof: can you confirm that this is the case with your RS130 as well? The only way I can output audio is to use USB or any other two channel connection and output the sound through my 2-channel amplifier. This is not ideal though and I cannot benefit from multichannel audio.

One more question: is outputting audio through HDMI possible with other Rose devices? If not, I do not understand what the passthrough option is there for…

Hello Lindkar. The HDMI cable from my RS130 is connected directly to my TV, no AV receiver etc.
I set the output on my RS130 to HDMI and when I played a RoseTube video the audio played through my TV.

Ok and many thanks for testing! guess I need to reset the settings of the Rose then or perhaps my cable is not working and I need to replace it. Do you have your HDMI output on passthrough?

Ok, I connected the RS130 directly to the TV and then back to the AV receiver via ARC and now everything works perfectly. I do not know how it is possible but it does carry the sound when connected directly but not when I connect the Rose via the AV receiver. The latter connection only produces the picture but no sound. So it seems that the only way to play the sound via the HDMI appears to be to the TV directly.

I switched between Passthrough on and Passthrough off and no difference for me, sound came from the TV.

Yes, the sound works perfectly when directly connected to the TV, with or without passthrough. I wonder if anyone else has other experiences with this. In particular, I don’t understand why it doesn’t work when connected first to the AVR or maybe it is just my NAD.

Is there a technical explanation @ROSEHAN ?